twenty six

19 3 0

-Rebecca's p.o.v.-

I quickly answered the phone and tried to sound like I wasn't having a heart attack.

"Hello?" I said quietly.

"WHERE ARE YOU, REBECCA??" My mother yelled into the phone. I rolled my eyes.

"Jenna's. Why?" I lied.

"Jenna is at our door. She swung by and said you left the party early and she wanted to make sure she didn't upset you. Where in the HELL are you Rebecca?" She asked me. My heart was going a million miles an hour. I was dead.

"Fine you caught me. I'm at a friend's. She was feeling really down so I swung by and we watched movies and stuff and I must have drifted off. I'll be home soon." I said as I climbed out of bed.

"You're in big trouble. Get home now." She said and hung up on me. I sighed.

"I gotta go babe, I'll text you later." I said as I got my shoes and keys.

"I'm sorry if I got you in trouble. Keep me posted. Love you." She said as I walked back to quickly peck her and was on my way. I climbed down to ground quickly and ran to my car. I sat inside for a moment before turning it on and driving home. I could hear my own heartbeat, it was as loud as a drum. I arrived home quickly and pulled into the driveway. I got out and walked to my door full of dread. I opened the door and walked inside, I saw Jenna Demsky and my mum sitting in the living room talking. I sighed and rolled my eyes as I walked toward the stairs, but my mum wasn't letting me off that easy.

"Rebecca. So glad to see you home." She said as she got up to greet me at the bottom of the stairs.

"Not in the mood to talk. Night." I said as I walked a few steps before she grabbed my arm forcefully. I snapped my head back and pulled my arm away from her.

"Who were you with, Rebecca?" My mother asked. I rolled my eyes.

"A friend." I said as I crossed my arms.

"Which friend?" She asked.

"One of the best friend variety." I said with a tone and scoffed.

"Was it that homo because so help me-" my mum started and I cut her off.

"Or so help you what? You'll kick me out? You'll take my car? You'll ground me like I'm 13? Please, tell me mother. What are you gonna do?" I asked her and Jenna stood up.

"Jenna here told me you and that homo are in relations of some sort. Whether it is friends or god forbid something more , I told you to stay away. Now it's time you take consequences for your actions." She said. "Give me your keys. You're not driving for a while. And you are to not see that girl again or it will be worse. Much worse. And if I find out you are in relations in ANY romantic tense you're no longer to stay here. I will not tolerate that from you, I raised you better Rebecca." My mum said and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh whatever. I'm keeping these car keys. You didn't buy that car. I did. So screw off. Second, I can do whatever I want. You don't control me and she's a nice person, and also, GASP, has a name! It's CJ! So go ahead and be homophobic with Jenna I don't care. I'm not gay. Leave me be. Goodnight." I said as I walked up the stairs.

"I see. Well. Hope you're right Rebecca. Goodnight." My mum said quietly as I walked up to my room and walked inside. I closed and locked the door and pulled my phone out to text CJ.

To CJ: my mum is so awful. I hate her sometimes

To Rebecca: don't worry babe. She won't matter when we start our life together. It'll just be me and you. Remember that

To CJ: I know. I love you

To Rebecca: I love you too. Get some sleep. Goodnight xoxo

To CJ: goodnight. Sleep tight <3

I sent that text and put my phone inside my bedside table. I decided to sleep. It was the only way I could escape reality.

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