-Rebecca's p.o.v.-
I wrote and wrote and wrote. I took up about 7 pages in my notebook. Front and back. I looked at my clock and it was 4:17 am. I sighed. I decided to get up and clean my room. I put the air mattress away and put it in my closet, just in case. I locked my bedroom door and went into my bathroom to clean up. As I picked up stray socks and bras I spotted a shirt. I picked it up and held it in front of me. It wasn't mine. It must have been CJ's. I sniffed it to see if I should wash it and it smelled like her. It felt like I was hugging her. I smelled it again and smiled. I sat down on the tile in the bathroom holding the shirt close to my heart and began to cry. And cry. And cry.
After about a half hour, I got back up and finished cleaning. I peeked my head out of the bathroom to look at my alarm clock and saw it was almost 5:00. It was too early to get ready for school. Then I had an idea. I rushed to my bed and grabbed my phone to text CJ.
To CJ: Hey. Wanna meet up for breakfast?
I put my phone down and waited for a response. She didn't respond for about 10 minutes so I assumed she was asleep and began to get ready to go out by myself. Then my phone dinged. I went to check it and to my surprise it was CJ.
To Rebecca: Where at?
To CJ: The daily mug. Wanna meet there in 20?
To Rebecca: Sure:) see you then.
I smiled. Then I realised. Today was Wednesday. The last day I was gonna see CJ before break. I wasn't gonna see her for up to two weeks. She was going to be having family time and you know, being mad at me. I sighed as I quickly took a shower, got ready, and rushed out the door. My mum tried talking to me on the way out and I just ignored her. I didn't want to be lectured this early in the morning. After getting in my car and taking off, I got a call from CJ. I picked up quickly.
"Hey. What's up?" I asked.
"Just wanted to know where you were at, the ladies here keep asking if i'm ready to order and each time I say no they come back angrier." CJ said and laughed. I giggled.
"I'm like, right out front. I'll be inside in a second." I said as I was trying to find a parking spot. For a place with mediocre food it sure was always packed.
"K, see you in a minute." CJ said as she hung up the phone. I found a spot and quickly rushed inside to meet CJ. I sat down slightly out of breath and CJ giggled at me. I sat down and a waitress quickly came to our table and took our order. I got an omelette and CJ got the same. It took forever as usual to get our food but once we did get it, we both scarfed down our food and were paying the bill within 15 minutes of getting our food. I got into my car and CJ quickly followed. I wondered who brought her. She usually took the bus to school (even though she could drive), but I wondered if she had walked or had someone drop her off. I decided to ask.
"How did you get here?" I asked and she laughed.
"My dad is usually up really early making breakfast for my mom before she goes off to work, so I had him drop me off before he started cooking." She explained and I nodded my head. "Usually when we meet here I just walk." She said and I smiled as I started the car.
"You know you can ask me to pick you up if I don't offer right?" I asked and she nodded her head.
"Yeah. Sometimes I just like the walk though." She said and I nodded as we drove out of the parking lot and toward my house. It was almost 6. Still too early to go to school.School didn't start till 7:50.
"What do you wanna do now? We have an hour and a half." I told CJ and she thought for a moment.
"Can we go to my place and grab my bag so we don't have to come back in a rush later." She asked and I nodded my head. I drove past her house and she quickly ran in and back out and in a few minutes was in my car again. As soon as she buckled her seat belt, we were off.
"Wanna go to the park?" I asked.
CJ happily agreed to go to the park with me. We swung by a gas station to get some gas and CJ grabbed some snacks whilst I was pumping.
"We just ate, why do you need more food? How deep is your stomach?" I asked jokingly and she shook her head.
"One is for me at school, the rest are for your car." She said as she held up about 5 bags of different kinds of chips. I tilted my head and furrowed my brow. She put them in my back seat before explaining. "Whenever we go to the park, we have snacks. For the most part. This is just so that when we go we don't have to stop for snacks." She said as she closed my trunk. I had 2 rows of backseats so I always had one down so I could sit down in the back and not be sitting in the actual trunk. It was quite cozy. I usually had a few blankets, a little wireless speaker and a portable charger back there in case I went to a drive-in or had friends over or went to the park with CJ, etc. I was ripped away from my own thoughts when I noticed my gas tank was done filling up and I quickly put the pump back, closed everything up and got in the car. CJ was sitting in the front seat on her phone. I giggled and we drove to the park. I pulled into a parking spot and opened up the trunk. CJ and I rushed back there and bundled up in the blankets and listened to music. We talked for a while and even for a little bit held hands with each other. After what seemed like 5 minutes, my alarm went off telling me it was time to go to school. I forgot I had put that alarm on but thank god I did because if I hadn't we would have probably been late to school. CJ and I ran to the front of the car after quickly closing the trunk shut and got into our seats. As soon as I made sure CJ was buckled up, I drove us to school. I found a decent parking spot and for once we were making pretty good time. I got out of my seat and opened CJ's door for her. She thanked me and we quickly exchanged goodbye's before we parted ways.

i'm a cheerleader.
Roman d'amourRebecca is new in town and just started at a new school. She has a boyfriend, she's a cheerleader, everything is going great for her, Until she meets CJ and her whole word is turned upside down. (WARNING: sensitive content, I will put warnings in...