-Rebecca's p.o.v.-
I drove around for a while. I didn't know where to go. After a bit I chose to go to the park. I'd sleep in the parking lot for tonight and after that I'd find somewhere else to go. I pulled into the parking lot and got out to grab the blankets from my trunk. I grabbed a few and took them up to the front seat. I wrapped them around myself and tried to get as comfortable as possible. Even though I had the blankets with me, I was still quite cold. I shivered and ended up crying myself to sleep.
When the sun finally rose I decided it was time to get up. I hadn't gotten the best sleep last night and was just looking for an excuse to get up and start my day. I checked my phone and saw i had a few messages from CJ.
To Rebecca: what happened ? Are you okay?
To Rebecca: please message me back
To Rebecca: I love you.I messaged her back.
To CJ: everything is fine:) just got yelled at all is good
I lied to her. I didn't need her to know I was homeless. For the meantime I'd tell her everything was fine. It wouldn't hurt anything , right? I put my phone down and decided to get something to eat. I drove to the grocery store and got some coffee and a bagel. After buying my "breakfast" I checked how much money I had left in my bank account. I still had a few hundred. I walked out of the store and went back to my car. I checked my phone and saw I didn't have any new notifications. I sighed and finished off my bagel and sipped on my coffee in the parking lot. I looked over at the clock. Where had the time gone, it was already 7:30. I decided it was time to go to school, so I checked my hair and drove off. After speeding down the road, I arrived at school and parked as close as I could to the office. I got out of the car and realised I didn't have my backpack, it was at home. I let out a sigh and grabbed a spare bag with only some snacks in it so I didn't walk in empty handed and it LOOKED like I had something. I walked into my first class and as usual it was boring. The same for second and third period. Blurs of people and words. Even through lunch it didn't feel like it was real life. It felt like I was stuck in a nightmare that I couldn't get out of no matter how hard I tried to claw my way out.
"Rebecca?" CJ asked me as she shook my arm. I looked at her without saying a word. "Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah. Tired is all." I mumbled.
"You are wearing the same clothes from yesterday. You never do that. What's wrong?" She asked me and I shook my head.
"I gotta go." I said as I stood up and walked away. She tried to catch up with me but I kept walking until I got to my car. I got inside and drove away. What was the worst the school would do? Call my parents?
I drove and drove. I left my town and kept going until I got to the boarder of the county. I stopped for gas and kept going. I lost track of how long it was, I measured time by how long I went in between gas breaks. I stopped again for gas and saw the sun was totally set. It was very cold, I guessed it was about 9pm. I must have been driving for hours. I googled where I was, and when I read my location I was surprised. I was in Sacramento. I was in California. I was about 10 hours from home, and in a totally different state. I checked my phone for the first time since I left school and saw I had loads of texts and calls from CJ. I called her and she answered on the first ring.
"Rebecca?? Thank god it's you! Where are you??" She asked frantically. "I've been calling all day!" She exclaimed.
"I'm in California." I responded.
"California !?!?" She responded. "Why?? Are you coming back???" She asked. She sounded like a worried mum.
"I dunno. I just kept driving and I'm here." I said. "I'll probably be home soon." I said.
"Why did you go? I bet your parents are worried sick." She said.
"I don't think so." I responded.
"Why do you say that??" She asked.
"No reason. I'll call you later I'm gonna find a place to sleep." I said and hung up the phone. I felt totally numb. As if nothing I did had consequences. I felt like nothingness. I got back in the car after getting gas and kept going. I wanted to go to San Francisco. I had some family there, a few aunts. I pulled off to the side of the road to message them on Facebook.
From Rebecca- to Ruth : hey aunt Ruth! It's Becca. I'm in town and wanted to see if I could swing by and crash for tonight. I'll be out of your hair after that. Lots of love .xx
I put my phone down and waited on a response. A few minutes later I heard my phone ding.
From Ruth- to Rebecca: of course dear! Come on by. I'll make something quick we can catch up. How long till you get here?
From Rebecca- to Ruth: a couple of hours. I'm in Sacramento. Send me your address I'll be there in a jiffy!
From Ruth-to Rebecca: 2370 Reece Rd, San Francisco , CA 94016
I put the address into my GPS and it quickly began to give me directions. I followed them and in about two hours I was in San Fransisco. I stopped for a bathroom break and soon was back on the road. I drove for about 15 more minutes and then arrived in front of my aunts house. I parked and walked up to her door and rang the doorbell. She quickly answered and welcomed me in with lots of hugs and kisses. It was nice seeing some family that didn't hate me. We sat and ate for a while and caught up on some stuff, and after a couple of hours she let me go to sleep. I crashed on her couch and she told me if I got hungry or needed anything I could help myself to anything in the house, told me where the bathrooms were, and soon walked into her bedroom. It was just her and her husband in the house, so it was quiet at night. I missed CJ, so I pulled my phone out and decided to call her. I walked out on my aunts porch and called her. Once again, she answered quickly.
"Hey." She said.
"Hi baby girl, I'm sorry for hanging up earlier. I've got a lot on my mind right now." I said and CJ was silent for a moment.
"I want you to talk to me about whatever is happening because I feel out of the loop." She said and I sighed.
"There is nothing important. It's just school and stress." I said.
"Ok. Whatever you say." She said. "I'm gonna go if you don't wanna talk about it." She said and I yelled 'wait' before she could hang up.
"It's not a huge deal. Please. Trust me. It's just my parents are being kinda funny right now. Stressing me out. I needed a break." I said. I wasn't totally lying.
"Okay. I trust you." She said warmly. "So how's California??" She asked happily.
"Great. We should move out here when we graduate. I have family here. The weather is beautiful. It feels homey." I said.
"That sounds wonderful, love. I'd love to move to California with you." She said softly.
"I'm here with my aunt, so I'll probably stay for a few days. Explore the city." I said.
"That sounds nice, give yourself a break. Come back when you're ready." CJ said.
"I love you, CJ." I said.
"I love you too Rebecca." She said back. "I'll call you in the morning." She said and we exchanged goodbyes before hanging up the phone. I walked back inside and laid back down on the couch. I stared at the ceiling for a bit before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

i'm a cheerleader.
RomanceRebecca is new in town and just started at a new school. She has a boyfriend, she's a cheerleader, everything is going great for her, Until she meets CJ and her whole word is turned upside down. (WARNING: sensitive content, I will put warnings in...