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-Rebecca's p.o.v.-

I drove CJ home after the sun rose. After stopping in front of her house, CJ got out of the car and turned to me.

"I had a lot of fun. We should do this more often." CJ said and I nodded in agreement before we waved goodbye and she went inside her home. I waited until she was inside to leave and head home myself. I arrived home exhausted and hungry. I didn't really care at this point, so I walked in the front door still slightly moist and got some breakfast. After finishing I walked upstairs and showered. I yawned time after time as I got cleaned up and decided to go to sleep after I showered. After I dried my hair and put on the softest pj pants I could find, I slipped into bed and gripped my pillow tightly before drifting off to sleep.
After waking up I looked at my clock. 2:17pm. I groaned and rolled over in my bed looking for my phone. After finding it, I checked it and saw that I had about 10 freaking texts from CJ and Brandon combined. I yawned again as I checked CJ's texts first.

To Rebecca: hey. U up
To Rebecca: probably not
To Rebecca: just wanted to tell u I had fun.
To Rebecca: and I wanted to do something with you later today
To Rebecca: if you're up ofc. Ur probably sleeping
To Rebecca: why am I still up I'm
To Rebecca: I'll text you later lol

I laughed and then checked Brandon's texts.

To Rebecca: hey! Hope you have fun with your little friend today :)
To Rebecca: love you.
To Rebecca: get me something there lol ok bye for now

That's when it hit me. The ball game was today. We both forgot. It was at 4pm. I rushed out of bed and grabbed my phone to head into the bathroom. I brushed my hair and got on some decent clothes. As I put on my shirt I called CJ. She answered quickly.

"Hello?" She answered.

"We got the game today at 4 I'll be at your house in 20 to get you." I said as I rushed to pull my pants up.

"CrAP. I FORGOT." She said as I looked for socks. "I'll be ready in 10 see you when you get here. Bye." She rushed out and hung up. I looked for my shoes and wallet, car keys etc and rushed out the door. I went to get gas and headed off to CJ's house. Once I arrived I saw she was standing out front waiting. I stopped and as soon as she got in we rushed to the game. As expected there was no parking, so we had to park far away from the entrance as if we weren't delayed enough. As we got to the front of the line at the entrance, the woman checked our tickets and we rushed inside the stadium. Once we found out seats, we sat down and tried to understand what we had missed. It was too hard to catch up, so we just started when we came in and went from there. The game was pretty good overall, I found out CJ is CRAZY invested in this sport. It was kind of cute how excited she got. After the game was over, we went to my car and sat inside for a moment before I started the car. The silence was nice, we hadn't heard a shred of it since we had arrived. I looked at CJ and she smiled weakly at me. She was probably tired. I smiled and pulled out of my parking spot and waited in the long line of cars to exit the parking lot. When we finally left and were going faster than 5mph, I asked CJ if she wanted some food or wanted to go home.

"Um. Can I stay the night at your house?" She asked me and I looked at her. Her expression was sad.

"Why?" I asked. "I mean of course you can. But did something happen at home?" I asked trying not to sound offensive or like I didn't want her at my house.

"My mom and I got into it is all. No big deal. I just wanna let her cool off before I go home." She said quietly and I nodded my head.

"Okay. Yeah I'd love to have you over. I have an air mattress you can sleep on and we can watch movies and stuff till we fall asleep. It'll be fun." I said and smiled as CJ quietly agreed. "Cheeseburgers?" I asked as I looked at CJ and she nodded enthusiastically. I smiled and looked for the closest burger spot. After searching the depths of the internet (aka asking Siri) I found out the closest one was a place called "Brandy's Burgers". I contemplated whether I wanted to go through the drive thru or eat inside the restaurant.

"Do you wanna go to the park and eat there?" CJ proposed. I smiled and nodded my head as I went to the drive through. I ordered us each a burger and a drink and got us large fries to split. After getting our food, I drove us to the park and popped my trunk so we could sit in the back and eat and look at the view. As the sun set, I looked over at CJ and saw her on her phone. She seemed busy so I pulled my notebook from my car and began to write. I was always writing. Not at school because people at my old school questioned it. Now I just did it whenever I had time. Which was after school before school and at 3am when I was avoiding sleep. CJ looked over at me.

"Why do you write like you're running out of time?" She asked me. I looked up from my notebook.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You're always writing. I've never payed much attention to it. But you are always writing. You write like you have little time left to do so. It puzzles me." She said.

"I have a lot to say. And no opportunities to say what I need to say the most." I said as I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear and looked back at my writing. If only she knew.

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