twenty eight

15 3 0

-Rebecca's p.o.v.-

"What happened?? CJ?" I asked as I sat down.

"Your mom called my house. I don't even know how she got the number. She left me a message. I'll show you." She said quietly as she stood up and led me downstairs. My heart was in my throat. I knew how she got her number. I called CJ on our house phone a few days ago and put her number as a contact in case I got my phone taken away. I gulped. I wouldn't tell her. We walked into her kitchen and to the answering machine. She checked the voicemail. After pressing a few buttons, I heard my mums voice on the machine.

"CJ? Hello. This is Rebecca's mother. I wasn't going to get involved but Rebecca has been out of control lately and I believe it is at your hands. I urge you to stop speaking to my daughter before I have to take further action. Don't take this message with a grain of salt because I am VERY serious." Then the phone clicked. I felt sick. Why was she doing this??

"There are a few more worse than that. She won't stop. She keeps saying she hates me for doing this to you. This is so stupid ! I don't get it!!" CJ said angrily. I pulled her close to me and rubbed small circles on her back.

"She's trying to make it so you'll stop talking to me. Don't listen to her. I love you. Everything is gonna be okay. I'll block her number on your house phone and cell. Everything is gonna be okay." I said quietly as I hugged her. She let out a deep sigh and began to cry quietly into my shirt. I held her until she stopped. Once she did, she pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"This will all be over soon." I said as I held her hands. She nodded her head and quickly pecked my lips. She led me back up to her room and we laid on her bed and just talked for a while. I excused myself and walked into the hallway. I was gonna call my mum.

My heart raced as I closed CJ's door and pulled out my phone. I opened my contacts and clicked my mum's. I called her and held the phone up to my ear. One rings. Two rings. Three rings. Finally she picked up.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey. Just calling to see how everything is going at the house." I said.

"Fine?" My mum said suspiciously. "Why do you ask?" She asked. I weighed out my options. Either I told her I knew about the messages, or waited and got prepared for whatever was gonna happen.

"No reason. Love you. See you later." I said and hung up. I stuck my phone back in my pocket and walked back into the room.

"Hey." She said with a smile and patted a spot next to her on the bed. "Come sit." She said and I walked to the bed and sat next to her.

"I have a quick question to ask you." I said and CJ tilted her head.

"Shoot." She said.

"Would you actually like living with me? Like after high school or whatever?" I asked. "Senior year just started. It's already October. What if you don't wanna live with me after this year? Or ever?" I said and CJ put her hand on mine.

"I want to live with you. Don't doubt that for a second. I love you , Rebecca. And I wanna spend my life with you." She said. "And senior year just started. Don't stress. My love for you is never in doubt. We'll get a little place somewhere and we'll figure it out. Don't worry about that now, okay?" She said and I nodded my head. We cuddled for what seemed like 30 seconds and quickly fell asleep. I woke up first and CJ was still asleep. I just laid in bed looking at the ceiling until I checked the clock. It was already 11:57pm. I climbed out of bed and told CJ I had to go as she woke up, and after exchanging kisses and goodbyes I was on my way. I walked down to my car and drove myself home, and as soon as I pulled into my driveway I felt my mood drop. I didn't wanna see my mother, father. I was tired and just wanted to be with CJ, but I pulled it together and grabbed my things and walked inside. As soon as I walked in the front door, I heard my mother talking to my dad in my kitchen. I closed the door quietly and listened.

"I don't want her here anymore, Frank." My mum said.

"She's our daughter, Anne." My dad said back.

"Not anymore. She's been brainwashed by that homo." She said with disgust. "She wasn't even at the park like she said. Jenna told me! She was probably with that girl! Frank we need to do something." She said. I scrunched my face. She was in cahoots with Jenna Demsky?! Made sense. Jenna hated me. I walked into the kitchen. It was time for them to hear my voice. I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey." I said. "Heard my name, what we talking about?" I asked as I sat down.

"Glad you're here. Have a seat. We need to talk." My mum said.

"I'm listening." I said.

"Where were you tonight?" My mum asked.

"Snorting coke with Jenna." I joked. "Where do you think I was? I said I was at the park." I lied.

"Jenna didn't see you there! She went and checked! Don't lie to your mother!" My mother yelled and I rolled my eyes.

"Didn't know you and Jenna were best freaking friends now! Listen, believe me if you want. I don't care. Leave me alone though and stay the hell of my business." I yelled and stood up.

"This girl really has changed you." My dad mumbled.

"You're both crazy. I'm the same person, no one changed me." I said.

"Rebecca. You're no longer yourself. And I won't stand being yelled at by you any longer. If you think this girl is so important that why don't you go live with her! You are no longer our daughter. I won't tolerate having you in this house as long as you think that this girl is more important than your family." My mum said and I scoffed.

"What? Are you serious?" I said in a smaller tone.

"What not so big and mighty now?" My mum mocked.

"Please. Don't kick me out. I have no where to go." I pleaded. My mum laughed in my face.

"Go with your little girlfriend. You are no longer welcome here. This is not your home anymore." My mum said as she pointed to the front door. "Get out. Now." She said and my vision became blurry. My eyes were filling with tears. I nodded my head and grabbed my keys and walked right out the door.

"I'll collect your things. You can pick them up outside. They will be on the lawn. I don't want you to set foot in this house ever again." My mum said and slammed the door before I could say anything. I walked away from the house and looked back at the house before getting in my car.

"Goodbye." I whispered as I got in my car and drove away. I had to find somewhere to sleep.

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