thirty three

16 2 0

-Rebecca's p.o.v.-

We woke up and it was already 6pm. We sat up and contemplated what we were gonna do.

"Your parents probably want you home." CJ said and got up to fix her hair.

"Nah. They're fine I'm sure." I said and pulled her back down to bed. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her lightly.

"I haven't seen you go home in a while. Is everything okay, babe?" She asked me. I sighed.

"Yes." I said.

"Okay. If you were ever going through anything you can talk to me. I'm always here to listen." She said as she kissed my forehead and got up to go to the bathroom. I smiled and nodded, CJ was such a beautiful human inside and out. And she was now my fiancé. I smiled at the thought that we were gonna get married soon. Be wife and wife. I never imagined myself marrying a woman, I honestly thought I was gonna end up marrying some guy after college since I knew Brandon wasn't it. We had broken up shortly after he beat up CJ after a lengthy phone conversation and as he kept speaking I realised how bad of a person he was. He was trying to manipulate me into staying and taking his abuse. I ended up hanging up and ignoring his many attempts to speak to me. I didn't tell CJ. His pathetic behaviour was no trouble that she needed to know about. I wondered in my own mind and soon CJ was back in the room with her perfect yet effortless look to her hair. I smiled and stood up to get ready. I played with my hair and ended up fixing it into a bun. CJ and I decided go out and get some dinner. We settled on a burger place nearby and were on our way out in minutes. We walked out the front door and spoke with her parents for a moment before leaving. We rushed to my car and drove off. We got directions and went through the drive through so we could go back to her place and eat. We got the burgers and went back to her place, walked in and in no time were up in her room again. I set up our food on the bed and after washing her hands, CJ turned on the tv and sat next to me. I began to pick at my food and CJ spoke.

"Hey. I wanted to see if next weekend you wanted to tell my whole family about the engagement. Maybe they could help us set up a party as far as ideas dates and things like that go." CJ said as she grabbed a few fries. "They are coming by for a Halloween thing. Do you wanna announce it then?" She asked me. I nodded my head.

"That sounds great, baby." I said and I looked up at her. She was smiling so widely. I still couldn't believe how beautiful she was sometimes. I made her smile. It felt like every time I made her smile I knew I was doing something right. All I wanted to do was make her happy. We spoke more of the announcement and what our costumes would be this year over dinner. It was nice to speak of our future together, it made me feel like I had something to look forward to after high school. It even made me forget that I was almost totally out of money. I had started to look for jobs but no place would accommodate my school schedule. I'd either have to quit school or go totally broke. It was a stressful thing to think about, but I was with CJ right now, I couldn't be down. By the time we finished our food and were ready for bed it was already 10:45pm. I decided to stay at her house again and after cleaning up our food wrappers, we cuddled up and went to sleep.

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