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-Rebecca's p.o.v.-

I went back to the lake again and again. Every time I went it was nighttime. That was my favourite time of day. Every time I was sad, being there made me feel better. I hadn't told anyone else I went there, I knew it would seem weird. So it was my spot to be alone. As the week passed by, CJ and I were on better terms. We were both excited about the game. It wasn't a major league team or whatever but we both just really liked the sport. I hadn't told Brandon my plans yet, it never came up. But when he popped up at my school on Friday to see me, it needed to. I greeted him and of course no hugs or kisses just waves and casual talking. We spoke of our weekend and that's when I told him I'd be going to the ball game. He was furious.

"You're telling me I came all this way to see you are you're blowing me off!?!" He yelled in front of loads of people. I tried to calm him down.

"We can do something the other day I'm free, babe." I said in attempts to calm him. It only made him angrier.

"No! I made an effort to see you and this is the thanks I get!?" He yelled in some more colourful language than that. I stayed quiet.

"Whatever. Have fun with your friend. I'm leaving." He said and got in his car. I didn't even say goodbye or chase him to his car. I just stood frozen in the parking lot unsure of what had just happened. I got in my car and CJ quickly got in as well and saw I looked shell shocked.

"What's wrong?" CJ asked as I started the car.

"Nothing." I said in a small voice. As I pulled out of my parking space. She stayed silent. I guess she didn't wanna push anything. I drove her to her house and dropped her off and then headed home to take a nap. I walked up the stairs and instead of taking a nap right away I did some homework. I hadn't been doing my biology lately so I worked on that for a while, then did some math. I didn't mind math as much since I was fairly good at it. I always enjoyed math. After finishing my math homework I looked t the clock, 4pm. I checked my phone and saw no one had texted me or tried to get ahold of me. I found it kinda funny my phone was so dry, so I decided to take a nap for a little while and wake up to have dinner later.
What will a two hour nap do?? What's the worst that could happen?? I thought as I fell asleep.

It felt like I had been asleep for a fraction of a second, but when I looked over at my clock I saw it was 1am. I let out a sigh and checked my phone. CJ had texted me a ton and after reading all her messages I responded.

To CJ: hey you up ?

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