Chapter 11

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After sunset, Caelan and Leon got on the bike and drove back to the appartment. The drive home felt longer than usually and Leon pretended not to notice, how Caelan flinched as he held onto him from behind. Surely, the hunter wouldn't like someone making a fuss over his injuries right now. But by the time, they reached the appartment and Caelan disappeared into the shower, Leon's worries had grown quite much. Climbing the stairs had turned Caelan's face into a grimace and he obviously was in pain right now.

"Careless idiot..." Leon muttered to himself and went to his room to get his medic tools. "Wouldn't hurt his pride to ask me look after his injuries..."

Later, when Caelan stepped out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist, Leon was already waiting for him on the couch. But when the boy spotted the huge bruises on Caelan's back, which already started to turn dark, he grimaced too.

"Looks nasty..." he stated.

"Hurts like hell." Caelan replied with a grin, though it was somewhat forced.

"Lie down." Leon ordered and got up from the couch. "I'll take a look."

"I'm no sissy, you know?" the hunter raised one eyebrow.

"I know." Leon replied and chuckled. "But you've got to keep your body in good shape, if you want to survive in the upcoming fights. And with bruises like that, you won't be able to move freely tomorrow night, if I don't treat it."

True, Caelan couldn't argue against that. So, he went over and laid down on his stomache. As he did so, Leon inwardly thanked god, that Caelan had such a big towel because else, he surely wouldn't have been able to concentrate on the bruises.

"How did you get those?" he asked as he knelt down next to the couch and eyed the injuries.

"Fell down the metro station platform..." Caelan explained with a grumpy expression.

"You've got quite some luck." Leon told him and softly ran his fingers over the bruised flesh. "If your backbone had hit the rails, they could've broken it. You'd be paralyzed at the worst."

"Seems I'm f*cking Fortuna's favorite, mh?" the hunter laughed dryly and immediately winced at the pain of his contracting muscles.

"Maybe." was all, Leon replied. Then, he got some ointment from his medical bag and warmed it up between his hands, before he softly rubbed it onto the red and purple skin. The scent of fresh herbs filled the room and Caelan deeply inhaled, relaxing slowly.

"Smells good." he murmured.

"It will help your muscles relax." Leon told him. "And also, it will speed up the healing process. You'll still have a back like a rainbow tomorrow however..."

"Mhh... no problem..." Caelan murmured sleepily. Actually, he really liked the feeling of Leon's fingers against his back, which slowly moved in circles, spreading the ointment everywhere. If he hadn't been so tired, he would surely have developed another certain problem, but right now he simply enjoyed the touch.

The ointment was already almost gone, yet Leon didn't want to stop. For once, he was able to touch Caelan without a weird feeling of embarassment and he didn't want the moment to pass. He quickly got some more and forgot to warm it up, drawing a shocked yelp from Caelan as the cold liquid touched his back.

"What the f*ck was that?!" the hunter complained.

"Ah, sorry..." Leon muttered and quickly spread the cream, warming it up in the process. "Better?" he asked after a while.

"Yup." Caelan agreed. "Your touch feels good... calms the pain."

"That's... good..." Leon murmured and a smile spread on his lips. Unconciously, he shifted a little bit closer, leaning against the couch. Actually, he felt quite tired too after staying up all the night. He tried to force himself to stay awake, but the warmth and Caelan's murmuring voice was simply too much. Slowly, his head sank forward, until he leaned against Caelan's shoulder.

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