Chapter 17

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Christmas was over. And the snow, which had brought so much peace, was also already molten. New years Eve passed almost unnoticed, since there were so many incidents, which had to be taken care of. Almost every night, Reaver and Caelan had to head out and hunt the growing mass of demons. And then, Nabil and Li Yuen came back from their trip to the high council.

This night, Leon was alone in the headquarter for the first time. Caelan and Reaver were out and Willow had a day off for the first time, ever since the boy arrived. During the first hours, Leon had distracted himself with reading some medic books. But thanks to the numb, nagging pain in his wrists, he couldn't really concentrate and at one point, he fell asleep. Thus, he didn't even notice, how the two men went through the barrier and came in, until a hand softly shook his shoulder.

"Good evening, young medic." Nabil's voice greeted him.

Sleepily, Leon opened his eyes and looked at the arabic hunter. "Evenin'..." he replied and sat up. "I didn't know you'd come back tonight."

"The purpose of our trip to the council is over, thus we came back." Nabil explained. "Everyone else is out?"

"Mhh." Leon agreed. "And Willow has a day off."

"I believe, we didn't meet each other yet." an unfamiliar voice suddenly called from behind Nabil. It was Li Yuen. Curiously, Leon tried to peek behind the arabic hunter and Nabil quickly stepped aside to give him a better view.

"Hey." the chinese greeted with a wide smile. "I'm Li Yuen, nice to meet you, my savior."

"Ah! I'm Leon, nice to meet you!" the boy quickly replied. "It almost seems like an eternity since you two arrived, though it's really been only a little bit more than two weeks. And during all that time, we didn't even meet yet!"

"I was looking forward to meeting you." Li Yuen told him and his smile widened. "Nabil here told me that you've done quite a good job saving me. Most medics wouldn't have trusted themself enough to work on such a poisoned wound."

"Well... it's my duty, right?" Leon shrugged it off. Somehow, he immediately liked this man. Nabil was nice too, but sometimes way too formal. Li Yuen however... he seemed like a person you could talk to. "So, what about your trip? Are we getting some backup?"

"Sadly no." Nabil replied with a deep sigh. "There have been many casualities the past few days. They can't spare any more hunters to send to us."

"Frankly, they don't believe, we're important enough." Li Yuen huffed.

"How come?" Leon wondered. "Aren't we doing a big job here?"

"It's not about the demon hunting." Nabil replied. "Well, at least not solely."

"Nabil..." Li Yuen said in a warning voice.

"No Li Yuen, I think it's time to share this business." Nabil disagreed. "Even more, since the council abandoned us like that. These people saved your life and we are doing a poor job repaying them."

"Alright." Li Yuen sighed. "Just don't hold me responsible, if the council demands your head after this."

"It's such a big secret?" Leon raised one eyebrow.

"A deadly one." Li Yuen agreed. "Revealing it could get us into prison or worse: Killed."

"Then maybe you shouldn't tell me." Leon suggested. "I wouldn't want to put you in danger."

"No it's alright." Nabil shook his head. "I've disagreed with the council's way of doing things for a long time. So has Li Yuen."

"Nonetheless, we're seen as most trusted hunters. Else they wouldn't have sent us." Li Yuen pointed out.

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