Past Visions

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Chapter 3

"Adriana, are you sure you want to visit your family? Last time your father shot you!" said Andrea. She grabs Adriana's arm and pulls her back into the house. But Adriana was stronger. She just yanks Andrea forward. Yanking Andrea off her feet. But was quickly caught by Adriana.

She turns to look at her sisterly friend in the eye. "I'll be fine. Michael got beaten up by Adolf and Orion and then he went to prison! So I'll be perfectly fine. And Judy needs some help around the house sense Amanda is back at college." Adriana said as she walked out the house.

Memories from what happened long before flashed before her eyes. Reminding her the pain and suffering her stepsister and stepmother witnessed.

Grabbing her combat boots she left outside to dry from the last night rain. Adriana turns around to look at Andrea. Seeing she was still there. "Don't worry, it isn't like I'm leaving for years like three months ago!" Adriana said as she puts her boots on.

"Oh and tell Mack I don't want him to get in another fight!" Adriana suddenly mentions as she stands back up. A playful smile on her face. It made Andrea laugh. But it then turned into a blow out when they hear a groan from the inside. Obviously from Mack.

Turning around from the house. Adriana began to walk away from the house. Slowly turning into a wolf as she walked farther into the forest. But before she could a sudden white hot pain shot through Adriana.

She clenches on to her forehead and bit her lip. Adriana presses her body against a tree. Feeling how painful the headache was. It felt like her head may split in two.

Adriana felt like she may collapse. She claws the bark tightly. Hoping to keep balance. Suddenly, a scene flashed across her mind. . .

* * *

"Get down!" screamed a tough, demanding voice voice. Adriana grunted as she was slammed against the ground. Feeling the wind get knocked out of her. She bites her lip to try and bare the sudden pain.

She looks up at who slammed her against the ground. Finding someone who was unfamiliar.

His hair draped down his shoulders and to his back. Eyes were the color of blood red. Fangs were poking out of his mouth. Looking like a vampire. But the scent of a wolf was all over him. A scar ran down the left side of his face. His bottom lip had a terrible scar that darkened his pale lips.

"Are you alright?" the wolf asked. Adriana blinked a few times to stop her staring. Quickly looking away from the handsome wolf. "Yes, just was taken off guard." Adriana mumbled.

The wolf stood up and Adriana caught sight of his clothes. He wore a wolf skinned male skirt. His tan chest was exposed. Exposing tribal tattoos on his body. Reminding Adriana of Adolf.

He stands up and draws out a large knife. Adriana stared at him then in front of her. Finding black creatures attacking them. They looked the shape of wolves except much larger than the shifters. It looked like black snakes were snaking around its body. Looking like one of Hell's creatures.

"What the hell are those things!?" Adriana asked. She tried to stand and was about to help. But the wolf pushed back down. "We call them Serpent Lupus because their skin looks like they are made of snakes. And their bite are as venomous as a cobra's." the wolf said. He stands up and draws out the knife. Adriana saw it was a red blade.

She looks around and saw more wolves attacking the Cobers. Some women were protecting the elderly or children. Others were battling Hell's creatures.

"What the fuck caused these things?" Adriana wondered aloud. Her eyes find a Serpent Lupus about to attack an elderly male. Seeing he was dressed in ancient clothing. No doubt about it he was possibly the chief of this tribe. Adriana felt herself quickly stand up and jumps over the rock. Running quickly to the elder and kill the Serpent Lupus.

She runs at top speed. Adriana doesn't feel her wolf side take form. Instead she bends down and grabs a spear that laid next to a fallen wolf. Then she through it at the Serpent Lupus. Succeeding in stabbing the creature on the side of its head. Running straight through its head.

Hurrying over to the Elder. She helps him back to his feet. "Are you alright, father?" Adriana heard her say. Inside she was confused and freaked. Wondering why she spoke not in her will. "Yes I'm fine, child. I thought I told Chogan to take care of you!" said the Elder. Adriana turns her head around and looks at the male who was protecting her. Finding him near and was battling a Serpent Lupus.

"You were nearly killed, I had to do something!" said Adriana in defense. That was when she noticed her voice was a little higher. But had passion and strength in it as well. She whips her body around and found a Serpent Lupus right in front of her. A gasp escaped her lips as she stared at it. Staring deep into the creatures ugly yellow eyes.

Adriana felt fear run through her. Slowly lifting up the spear behind her back. She took a deep breath and showed no fear. Then she flung it at the large beast. The blade sinking in between the eyes.

"CHELAN! GET DOWN!" shrieked the Elder.

Spinning her body around. A scream escaped her lips as a Serpent Lupus~

* * *

Adriana shot open her eyes once the vision faded to black. A gasp escaped her lips as she tried to breathe. It nearly felt as if she died of no air. She looks at the sky and saw it was night time. Quickly bolting up, Adriana spun her head all around.

Standing back up. She brushes herself off and thought. 'What was that?' she thought frightened.

'A past vision is what.' said the voice of Beast.

'A past vision?'

'You witnessed the past of your tribe, and in the eyes of your great-great-great grandmother.'

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