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Chapter 18

Chogan sat near the river bend. Listening to the argument Adolf and Kira were in. Hearing as Adolf tried to jog Kira's memory. Trying to see if she had seen a large black wolf or a girl that looked like Adriana.

Grumbling under his breath. Becoming very annoyed that he was stuck there. While he could be searching for Adriana. Or trying to find the leader of the Serpent Lupus.

Dear god, why am I stuck listening to this? Adolf doesn't realize that we can't just wait and see if this Reaver will remember!

Adriana is obviously in danger!

He walked over the the large rocks that touched the water. Boredom was written on his face. Chogan looked back at Kira and Adolf. They were engaged in a deep argument. The look of anger and annoyance on both their faces.


The loud sound of a slap rang in his ears. Chogan blinked a few times as he stared at Adolf and Kira. A giant, red slap mark was on the cheek that was facing Chogan. A shocked expression was on Adolf's face.



Chogan immediately tuned out from the conversation. Knowing it would end up with another slap.

Jumping on top of the rocks. Chogan takes out his knife. Looking at it and seeing it was covered in blood. He sighs and began to clean the blade with his leather jacket. Not caring about any staining.

Adriana, where are you? I hope you're alright.

The scent of blood filled the air. It smelt sweet. He immediately recognized it. It was Adriana's! The scent matched the blood in her room.

Chogan bolts up to his feet. Looking around to try and find her. He noticed that there was blood in the river. Flowing down stream quickly. Chogan immediately saw a body floating in the river.

Quickly, he dove into the water without hesitation. The cold water didn't compare to the cold he faced when he was in the Arctic. He swam through the water toward the body.

Once he got to the body he grasped on to it. The body was already cold. But some warmth was still in its flesh. Chogan swam with all his might to shore. Gripping the body close to his. Once he got out he pulled the body with him.

Chogan saw that it was Adriana!

She laid in his arms unconsciously. Her skin was a bluish color. Bruises and cuts were all over her exposed flesh. Adriana's clothes were torn badly.

"Adriana?" Chogan tries to shake her away. She didn't even fidget at his touch. Blood ran down her mouth slowly.

"Oh my god!"

Chogan growled and whipped his head around. Kira and Adolf were behind him. Looking terrified at Adriana. Kira looked like she was about to cry. And Adolf looked horrified. "What happened to her?" Adolf got next to Chogan and got on his knees. He touches Adriana's hand and shot his hand back.

Touching Adriana's cheek. Feeling she was as cold as ice. Whoever did this will pay! Chogan wrapped his arms around Adriana and stood up. He snuggled her close to his chest. Trying his best to keep her warm.

"Adolf, go tell the pack Adriana will be at the hospital."

After that demanded. Chogan broke out running. Leaving a speechless Adolf and Kira.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Adriana laid unconscious on the hospital bed. Her wet clothes were now gone and she wore the hospital gown. Her blue skin now was her normal skin color. She was hooked up to a monitor that showed her heartbeat.

At her side was Chogan. He held her hand tightly. Fear was written all over the warrior's face. Chogan rubbed Adriana's hand and hoped to wake her up somehow.

I promise Adriana, I'll find whoever did this and kill them!

Chogan heard the door open and looked up. Judy and Élan stood there. The both of them looked terrified. Once Élan's eyes met Adriana she broke down. Tears ran down her face and she broke into sobs.

"What did the doctor say?" Judy asked as she comforts Élan.

"He said she's in a coma. From being in the freezing water for so long. It caused her nervous system to break down. The hypothermia made her stiff to the bone. She hit her head on a rock once she hit the water. So it caused her brain cells to shut down for awhile."

Chogan brushed a strand of hair out of Adriana's face. She didn't fidget or move when he touched her skin. Élan walks up to them and grabs Adriana's hand. A look of fear on her face. "Did they explain the wounds?" Élan touches the deep cuts on Adriana's arms. Also the bruises on her face.

"They only said that it was from the fall. But it obviously wasn't."

Navajo: (Sequel to Cursed Beast)Where stories live. Discover now