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Chapter 6

Adriana tried to register what her mother said. Staring stunned at her mother. While Élan just stares back wit a calm look. Adolf sat next to her, also looking calm. But his eyes showed a different story.

She looks at her stepmother, Judy. Seeing she was also completely stunned. "W-Wait a minute! Mom, you're saying I'm a Royal Blood!? Basically a Navajo!?' Adriana asked in a shocked tone. Sounding like it was an exclamation.

Élan just nods. Acting like Adriana wasn't freaking out.

"Yes, when you and Adolf left to here, I began to research. Reading about Reavers. And then researched on the old legends of wolves. All your abilities and Beast as you call your Other Side. Is well part of the Navajo. And I had forgotten to tell you something important."

Adriana beckons her to go on. Wanting to know what Élan had kept from her.

"You were originally to become a Pawnee wolf. But Beast was given to you when you were five. Adriana, you are a Navajo. As Chogan and Akilla had said." The last sentence she had said caught the attention of the two wolves. Both staring at her confused. "Chogan!? Ain't he that wolf warrior from when Chelan lived!?" Adriana asked shocked. Élan stared at her stunned. "You know about Chelan and Chogan?" Élan asked startled.

Nodding, Adriana began to become frustrated. "Yes, I had some vision from the past! I was in Chelan's point of view." Élan nodded and reached into her suitcase. Taking out a large book bigger than her head. Adriana and Adolf looked at each other than back at Élan. Even Judy was staring at the book.

"That means you have her blood. As if you two are connected." Élan answers when she stops at a single page. Stunning her daughter.

"You better believe her." spoke a familiar voice. Adriana didn't dare to turn her head. But when she saw everyone look the way of the voice. She didn't have no choice but to look. Seeing it was Chogan.

His hair was in a short ponytail. The scars on his face were still there. Instead of wearing the clothes from the past. Chogan now wore a pair of jeans and black t-shirt.

The look of him made Adriana blush. Not believing that he was standing there.

'Chogan. . .after so many years. He's one of those Sacred Wolves who never age.'

Slowly standing up from the couch. Adriana looked down at Adolf. Seeing how his eyes remained glued to Chogan. Looking back at Chogan. He remained where he stood at the doorway. Looking all relaxed.

"Chogan. . .Warrior of the Pawnee?" Adriana asks. Chogan looked at her and smiles. His eyes changed from green to bright red. The same color she's seen in the vision. Chogan walked toward her and held out his hand. "It's nice to finally meet you, Adriana." The way he said her name sent chills down her spin.

She had to force herself to nod her head. "How do you know my name?" Adriana asked confused. Feeling quite embarrassed at her question. Chogan just began to laugh. "I've always known who you were. And your mother also told me of you." Chogan replied.

Turning around to look at her mother. Élan had a kind smile on her face. "Chogan came here with me because Akilla asked me too." Becoming confused at the name of Akilla. "Who the hell is Akilla!?" Adriana demanded pissed off. "Akilla is your older cousin." Élan answered.

Suddenly feeling light headed. Adriana felt her knees turn into lead. She fell to her knees. Feeling her head pump heavily. Then a memory flashed before her eyes. . .

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

~Adriana awoke to find her staring at a fur made ceiling. Her entire body felt cold. While all around her was warm. Blinking a couple of times. Slowly, she sat up. Seeing her body was covered in a fur pelt. Covering her naked body.

Holding the fur pelt to her chest. Looking around where she slept. The Elder sat there in front of a fire. Looking like he would see something in the fire. Like fire-sight.

"Father?" asked the same voice of Chelan from Adriana's lips. The Elder looked up and saw his daughter awake. His pale eyes widened in horror. As if he didn't expect her to awake. Adriana was confused at her father. Wondering why he looked horrified.

"Chelan. . .y-you're alive!" said her father. Adriana slowly stood up. Keeping the fur wrapped around her body. "Of course I am alive, Father. What happened? I don't remember much." Adriana asked worriedly. The Elder stood up and walked toward her. Looking incredibly worried.

He held out his hand and touched Adriana. To her his skin was cold. But not a deathly cold.

"You were attacked by a Serpent Lupus. We thought you had died. The creature ripped open your stomach." Adriana looks down at her stomach once she was told. Looking at her stomach through the fur. There was no such scars, cuts or gruesome slashes. Her skin as smooth and clean as silk.

Looking back up to her father. "I don't see any slashes. I'm fine." Adriana spoke.

She turns around when she hears the ruffle of the fur door move. Finding Chogan standing there. His eyes widened when he found her standing there. Completely deadpanned at who he was seeing. "C-Chelan. . .y-you're alive!" Chogan stuttered. Adriana felt her lips move upward. Smiling kindly at her friend.

Chogan looked behind Adriana to look at her father. Turning to look at her father. Seeing he was looking down. "Either God raised Chelan from the grave. Or her inner animal saved her." spoke the Elder.

Adriana felt herself let go of the fur pelt. Grabbing a dress made of deer fur. She didn't mind her father or Chogan watching her. Continuing on changing. Feeling cheerful and relieved. Finishing on changing into her clothes. "I thought I was asleep. What happened?" Adriana asked worriedly.

Chogan walked forward and gave Adriana a kiss. Deep inside she screamed and wanted to take control. Wanting to push her away. While Chelan was allowing him. He backed away and smiles. "You were attacked by a Serpent Lupus. But thank the Heavens you are back."

Navajo: (Sequel to Cursed Beast)Where stories live. Discover now