Searching Her Kin

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Chapter 1

Élan Whiteoak read through the book urgently. Her eyes scanning through the books that were open, and to try and find the thing she was looking for. Fear was in her sky blue irises as she scans through the pages in the large, old book. Urgently running through every page and word. Hoping to find the information.

Trying her best not to rip the old, delicate, pages. She turns a page and winces when she hears a small rip. Looking at how big the rip was. Seeing the rip had sliced a few words in two.

She looks at the book cover to make sure she grabbed the right book. Reading the words were Ancient Legends. Anger started to be shown in her eyes as she became frustrated. Élan nearly felt like throwing the book at a wall.

Flipping from page to page. Reading through as if it was her job. Reading it as if she already knew what was in it. Her eyes shooting through the page like her eyes were a computer. Quickly grabbing her phone that was next to her. Scanning through the Wikipedia. But wasn't able to find the exact information she needed.

'Where is it! It has to be here!' Élan thought frightened in her mind. Anger slowly reached into her thoughts. Mentally cursing into her mind.

"Is everything alright, Miss?" asked the librarian. Élan stops her searching and looks up at the woman. Seeing ow worried the librarian looked. "Yes, just looking for something important." Élan said, about to get back to what she was doing. "What is it your searching for?" the librarian asked.

Élan tries not to be annoyed. Or try to look like it. She just looks up at her and smiles sweetly. "Just about the Navajo and Royal Bloods in wolf legends. I'm just helping my daughter on her research sense she's having difficulty." she replies a little irritated. Her lie sounding completely truthful.

Looking back down at the book. Wanting the librarian to leave. A relieved sigh escaped once she hears the librarian leaving. Hearing as the clicks and clacks of her shoes.

Staring at the book as if tranced. Élan squints hard to make sure she wouldn't miss a single word.

'Look at the last page. . .' spoke a Native voice in Élan's mind. Nodding to the voice inside her head. Élan flips to the last page and saw the information she was looking for.

'Thank you.' Élan whispered into her mind. Feeling relieved that her Other Side is helping her.

Élan runs her tan index finger down the page. Reading everything she was looking for. It made her smile in happiness.

'Now I can find out what Adriana really is. . .'

Élan began to read the book. Reading it as slowly to get every word in her mind.

~Wolves were chosen by the Great One to protect and show humans harmony in their families. To teach a truth, as any each animal. . .would do also for humans to survive.

The Pawnee were known to be called Wolf People. For being the nearest and sociable with the wolves.

The disappearance and appearance of Sirius, the Wolf Star. Once the appearance was first shown the Pawnee tribe leader suddenly changed to the first known Werewolf.

After many years, the Wolf Blood within the tribe leaders' shown. Many tribes who have known of it called them Royal Bloods. Known to be the strongest and deadliest of any wolf or so called werewolf to ever live. . .~

Élan remained silent as she finished the last sentence in the page. Her eyes completely wide but also strained from not blinking. Blinking a few times, Élan couldn't believe what she had read.

'With what my Adriana told me, she's the same as a Royal Blood. Which means she maybe part of the Pawnee tribe!'

Quickly, Élan closes the books she had read and places them back into the rack. Then she hurried out of the library. Instead of being blinded by the sun. Élan finds that it was nighttime. Realizing she had been in the library sense noon!

Looking at her watch, Élan sees it was passed 8:30. She quickly starts toward her car. Wanting to email her daughter as soon as possible. 'After so many months, now I need to tell my daughter the important news!'

"Aunt Élan. . ."

Élan stopped when she heard her name. She turns around from her car and looks around. Finding who spoke.

Her dear nephew. . .

Navajo: (Sequel to Cursed Beast)Where stories live. Discover now