New Tattoo

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Chapter 3

The morning light seeped through the window shields. Dancing against the skin of the sleeping couple of Orion and Adriana. Both looking completely peaceful and restful. Not being bothered by the bright sun.

Everything seemed peaceful. Until....

'WAKE UP, SLEEPING BEAUTY!' suddenly shouted the voice of Beast.

Her voice now much older. Sounding more dangerous with her new older voice. Her sudden voice made Adriana jump where she laid. The muscles on her body tensed up.

A low groan escaped the now nineteen year old, Adriana Coleman. She ignores Beast's words and just rolls over. Her face meeting Orion's warm chest. Feeling how warm and hard his chest was. She stared cross eyed at his chest. Her nose squished against his hard chest.

Backing her face a few inches away. She closes her eyes again and tries to sleep.

'I SAID WAKE UP, WOMAN!' Beast screamed once again. This time high-pitched. Nearly making her host go deaf.

A headache started to form in her head once Beast screamed again. A twitch of anger formed on her forehead. Exposing a vein. 'If you had a human form Id beat you senselessly.' Adriana said irritated in her mind. Her voice sounded groggily and angry.

Adriana dug her face deep into Orion's bare chest. Feeling how warm his body was. A smile appearing on her face as she snuggled closer to him. She ignores the light that was seeping through her eyelids and Beast trying to wake her up. Wanting to continue on sleeping.

The feeling of arms wrapping around her made her smile. She felt Orion lay his chin on her head. Making her feel secure than before. Knowing her boyfriend was with her.

Opening up her eyes. Adriana looks up at Orion's sleeping face. Seeing how calm he looked as he slept. A scar on his cheek visible in the morning light. Adriana reached up and touched his face. Feeling how smooth his skin was. His scar wasn't deep but trailed along his skin.

A sudden knock on the door stopped Adriana from falling asleep. She groans loudly. Then slowly stands up in a sitting position. But didn't go far when Orion wrapped his arms tighter around her. Not wanting her to leave his side.

Looking at her boyfriend. Adriana saw how deep asleep he was. So she places her thumb and middle finger on his forehead. And then flicked him. Hard. Enough to wake him up.

"Ow. . ." Orion groaned as he rubbed his forehead. It earned a laugh from Adriana. She noticed a red mark that her nails caused.

Pushing up from the bed. Adriana rolls off of it. Then stands up straight and walks to the door. Rubbing her eyes along the way to wipe the sleep off. She opens the door and finds her friend, Paisley, at the door. Looking all happy and wide awake.

Instead of smiling back. Adriana just gives her a frown. "What? You're lucky Beast woke me up before you did." Adriana said gruffly. She rubs her forehead that was now growing a headache. Making her feel now all grouchy.

"Thanks for the sunshine, princess." Paisley said sarcastically. A small smirk was displayed upon her face as she had spoken. She smiles and looks behind Adriana.

Turning around to look at Orion. Seeing that he was now awake and standing. He looked sleepy as Adriana was. All he had worn was his boxers to bed. Not that Adriana had minded. Then she looked back at Paisley. Seeing she now had a playful smirk. "Have you two been-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!"

Adriana gave a death glare once Paisley asked. Responding to her with killer glare. Giving Paisley a threatening finger. Instead of backing away. Paisley just held up her hands in fake defense and laughed. "Sorry." Paisley said as she turns around. "Just came to tell you that it's almost time for school. And that Orion has to GO to school." Paisley said. Paisley then left the two alone.

A groan escaped Orion's lips. Adriana turns around to look at him. Seeing he was now laying on his bed again. "Dammit I forgot about school!" Orion said as he face palms himself. The look of him made Adriana laugh. "Well good luck then, sense I have no school!" she laughed. But the laughing ended when she feels a light tingly feeling.

"Come on!" Orion groaned out. He held out his hands and wrapped his arms around Adriana. "I have a month till school ends, and then I'll graduate! Can't I just-" Adriana pursed his lips together with her fingers. Not allowing him to finish. "You're finishing school. I'm done with high school." Adriana said with a laugh.

"School is nothing, I'm remaining here with my pack. And if I ever wanna be on my own with my mate I can just leave!" Orion said as he wrapped an arm around Adriana's waist. A small appearing on his lips.

She rolls her eyes at him and playfully hit his chest. Orion looked like he was in pain, acting like her hit was painful. "Ow." he said with a fake pout. It earned a chuckle from Adriana.

Then suddenly a sudden feeling was felt in her stomach. It felt like thousands of butterflies were dancing on top of it. As well as inside her stomach. Adriana shifted side to side by the tingling feeling. The feeling nearly felt like it was ticklish.

She grabs her shirt and lifts it up. Looking down at her stomach. Her mouth dropped once she finds the most shocking thing. The wolf tattoo was changing! It began to take form of a full wolf body. Except parts of its fur had hawk feathers. The eyes were bright blue, as bright as the sky.

The body of the wolf was larger. It's fur was much longer. She could see the claws were longer. A mark the color of silver was embarked on the shoulder that was exposed to her. But it was too small for her to see.

Adriana stared shell shocked at the new body form tattoo. Then she looks at Orion. He was staring shocked at her stomach as well. Obviously seeing the tattoo take form. "That's new." Orion stated. He stood up and walks toward her. Orion reaches forward and touches the tattoo. The feeling made Adriana shudder by his touch.

She continued to stare at the tattoo. Wondering what the hell just happened. 'W-What the? How did this happen?!' Adriana thought shocked.

'Navajo!' said Beast stunned.


She reaches down and touches the tattoo. Feeling some odd power come from it. Reminding her of how when she first got the tattoo when she was five. The memory nearly made her cry. Remembering of when Ario gave it to her. But then she repaid him by stabbing him continuously. Then finishing him by stabbing him in the heart. Ending his life.

"My god, what does this mean?" Adriana thought aloud. She looks up at Orion. He was staring up at her. Worry was in his eyes. "Maybe you should discuss this with your mother or Patrisha." Orion considered. He stands back up on his feet. Then he bent down and gave Adriana a quick kiss.

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