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Chapter 4

'Chelan? I have a great-great-great grandmother named Chelan??' Adriana wondered in her mind in shock. She slowly say down. Feeling how her legs were starting to feel like lead. Closing her eyes once again. The flashback vision appeared in her mind again.

Closing her eyes a few more times. The Elder who was Chelan's father came to her mind. Seeing how startled yet angry he was. Wanting his daughter to remain safe.

Pressure felt like it was pressing against her heart. Having it difficult to breathe. She clenched her heart and clawed her skin. Not feeling any pain in her flesh.

The memory of what happened just minutes before. Remembering the Elder and the male named Chogan. Finding out that she was the descendant of a native woman named Chelan.

Adriana lightly started smacking her head as she walked. Trying to rid the images and words she had just see and heard. Her head continued to pump from when she collapsed. Blood pulsed in her veins.

Looking all around the forest. Recognizing the area. Knowing she was about a mile from her home. Adriana takes a deep breath and walked on. Her heart still pounding in her ears.

'Still in shock, are we?'

'Oh shut it!'

Huffing in frustration, Adriana ran her fingers through her long locks. She looked ahead and continues walking. Not wanting to speak to Beast. Even though she would usually reply. Adriana puts her hands in her pockets. Ignoring everything around her.

She takes deep breaths. Her wolf senses taking control over her. Feeling all her senses come alive. Opening her eyes. Finding that her eyesight became farther. Her sense of smell growing stronger. Smells of all kind came to her nostrils.

A smile appeared on her face. The scent of the forest filled her nose. The feeling of the wind surrounded her. Making her hair whip around. It made her laugh. Remembering how three years ago the wind did the same before.

"Adriana?" asked a familiar voice.

Spinning around quickly. Adriana finds someone she hasn't seen in months. Adolf. She was completely speechless when she looked at him. He now looked incredibly different. Adolf wore a shirt that hid his chest tattoos. And his hair was a little shorter.

"Adolf? Damn you look different." Adriana said. A smirk appeared on his face. But it soon faded. "So do you. I can sense your new power running through you. Also your new tattoo is showing." Adolf pointed out. Rolling her eyes at him. She walked up and have him a punch in the arm.

He pretended to hurt. Then Adolf smiles at her. "How has it been?" Adriana asks as she crosses her arms. The look on Adolf's face turned darker. A glare appeared on his face. His eyes glowing a dark color. "I-It's been quite alright. Even though you have broken my heart." Adolf said coldly. A glare on his face. Earning a hard punch.

"Let it go will yah!" Adriana shouted angrily. Then she storms passed him. Wanting to speak Judy.

"Élan is here by the way." Adolf spoke suddenly. It made her freeze in place. Adriana looks at Adolf in surprise. "What! Sense when!?" she asked startled. In a split second she was right in front of him. Completely shocking Adolf. "I smelt her about an hour ago. Her scent was at your house."

Once those words exited his mouth Adriana was gone. While he was being dragged by the wrist. A loud gasp escaped his lips once he realizes he was being dragged. Adriana was too busy to even notice. Running faster and faster toward her home.

Her feet were a blur as she ran. Not caring how tightly she griped Adolf's wrist. Thoughts ran through her mind. Completely freaking out and wondering why her mother was here!

'Why is my mom here?! Wouldn't she have told me?'

'You don't even know how to use a phone or computer!'

Beast's sudden words made Adriana blush in embarrassment. Knowing that her words were true. She was never given a phone or was ever allowed to watch tv. Never has she even been on a computer before. Her father had forbid her ever sense her mother left.

"Adriana! I can't feel my arm!" Adolf yelled over the wind. Knocking Adriana out of her thoughts. Stopping her run immediately. Her stopping so suddenly that she feels Adolf slam into her. And collapse to the ground. Looking down at Adolf. Seeing he was busy groaning by sudden hitting her. The look of him made her laugh.

Rolling her eyes at him. Adriana gets down on her knees to look at him. "So, how's the ground?" Adriana asked with a smirk. Watching as Adolf scowled angrily at her. "Next time slow down! Not just suddenly stop like some racing car!" Adolf snaps.

He slowly stands up and brushes himself off. Glaring angrily at Adriana. "Next time don't distract me!" Adriana snaps back. Crossing her arms and glaring angrily at him.

"You two are very odd couple." said a very familiar voice. Spinning around, Adriana finds her mother, Élan standing there. A smile was on her face as she looks at them.

Not knowing what to do. Adriana struggles to move.

Adolf pushes her from behind. Encouraging her to move. Adriana runs to her mother and hugs her. Feeling tears starting to fall down her face. "I missed you. . ." Adriana whispered. "I missed you too, Pup." Élan whispered back. Using Adriana's childhood name.

Navajo: (Sequel to Cursed Beast)Where stories live. Discover now