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Chapter 13

"She's becoming more mature each day. Chelan has finally awaken and is telling her everything she will need to know in the upcoming future."

"Yes I agree, Grandfather."

Akilla listened as the Grandfather spoke. He stared at the reflecting Water Mirror. It exposed his younger cousin laying on her bed. He could see that she was speaking to Chelan. Telling how she showed an annoyed look. But also how she talked to herself.

It looked like she was becoming annoyed of Chelan. Even though she was annoyed with Beast before. The look of annoyance on Adriana's face made him smile. The way she looks is so amusing.

A smile appeared on his lips when he heard their words. Even if Chelan's voice was in Adriana's head he had the ability to hear in to their conversation. Listening in on Adriana deciding if she should leave or not.

The tattoo on her chest and stomach was able to be seen by the two wolves. Akilla saw how they pulsed. Unaware by Adriana, the tattoo on her back was growing. It crawled up to her shoulders like a spider. Growing and spreading like vines. Watching as they wrapped around her body. And yet Adriana didn't notice at all about the tattoo growing longer.

"Her tattoos are growing larger each day. Yet she doesn't seem to notice." Akilla spoke up. Looking at the Grandfather for some an answer. "It's because only other wolves can see them. But her eyes aren't allowed to see. So if anyone even says about the tattoos to her, she would think they are exaggerating about them growing." spoke Grandfather. It slightly confused Akilla. Wondering why her eyes aren't allowed to see her tattoos growing and spreading around her body.

The wind suddenly picked up and brushes Akilla's shaggy blonde hair. He picks up his head and sniffed the air. A low growl starting to rumble from his chest. Smelling danger nearby. "Grandfather, trouble is nearing." Akilla stated as he snatches a spear resting on the wall. He looks back at Grandfather and saw him still looking at the Water Mirror.

He opens the old wooden door. Smelling the scent of Hell Hounds. Blood was covering their scents. It irked his nose. Some blood smelt very familiar.

"Don't cause any of our men or women to die. They're last attack caused three of our best men to die." Grandfather said sternly. Akilla looks at him and nods. Knowing that he would try his best to keep his family safe.

"I'll protect them as best as I can." Akilla replies. He then leaves the room and shuts the door behind him.

Once he looks up he finds three Navajo warriors standing there. They were all on alert. Obviously had smelt the Serpent Lupus nearby. Akilla continued to walk ahead. "Don't allow any of them in to get in our territory." Akilla called out as he walked to where the Border to their territory lied.

"Yes Alpha." the three Navajo warriors said in unison. Nodding to their words. Akilla turned around and walked deeper into the forest.

He puts the spear at his side as he walked. Gripping it tightly in his grasp. 'One day Adriana will need to come. She can't just ignore this!' Akilla thought.

'She Has Many Decisions To Make.' spoke the voice of his wolf side. Silencing Akilla's thoughts.

'What kind of decisions?'

'The Decision Of Leaving Her Friends And Family Or Coming Here To Put An End To The Darkness.'

Akilla just nodded to his Other Side's words. Then he looked farther ahead of himself. Seeing a shadow figure run across the other side of the Border. Akilla let out a low growl and sped up his walking. Readying his spear incase of need to attack.

The smell of blood was filling his nostrils like fire. His eyes were beginning to water at the smell. Covering his nose quickly. Squeezing his eyes shut to stop the watering in his eyes.

Suddenly, Akilla was beaten to the ground. His head hitting a large rock as he fell backwards. The instant he hit the rock a ringing sound was heard in his head. While blood was bleeding down his head.

Groaning in pain, Akilla grabbed his head in pain. Trying to stop the painful feeling as he tried to stand. But he was pushed to the ground. Now growling, Akilla opened his eyes. Finding a Serpent Lupus above him. The creature was in its human form. But wasn't that human.

The hair on its body was dark. It's skin was like scales. Akilla stared at how the skin is like dark green scales. It's eyes were cold and dead. Deep inside showed the burning fire of Hell.

Akilla snarled and quickly threw the Serpent Lupus off of him. Quickly searching for the spear he dropped.

Once he found his spear he saw it was at the Serpent Lupus's side. Growling at it. Akilla readied his claws as he was about to run at it. He licked his fangs as he stared at the creature. Ready to taste its skin and blood once he sinks his teeth into its flesh.

Closing his eyes, Akilla concentrated deeply. Then he felt his Other Side take over. He opens his eyes again and finds himself shorter. Also he was on all fours. The Serpent Lupus looked taller in its human form. But it slowly took form of its hellish form as a wolf. Akilla nearly fainted at the smell once it changed to its wolf form. The skin on it was as putrid as a melting carcass.

Shaking off the terrible smell. He sinks his claws into the ground and took off. Attacking the Serpent Lupus. Sending it flying into a nearby tree. Raising his left paw. Akilla slashes the creature hard in the face. Quickly pouncing backwards before he could be attacked.

The Serpent Lupus snarls and whipped its head around. Trying to rid the blood off its face. Now even more pissed off. The creature ran at Akilla. It's anger now boiling mad.

Quickly taking human form. Akilla snatches his spear at lightning speed. Then sinks it into the Serpent Lupus's chest. In time before it could bite his face off.

Navajo: (Sequel to Cursed Beast)Where stories live. Discover now