Kira's Knowledge

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Chapter 15

Kira and Adolf were trying to focus on driving while Mack and Paisley were bickering in the back. They were becoming irked by how loud they were. The two were trying to discuss but were always interrupted by the loud shouting in the back. Slade was in the back being as quiet as a mouse. Andrea was with them as well.

Bryanna had staid behind to keep the house safe. Also she thought that someone may come by.

"We need her sense she possibly knows who attacked Adriana!" shouted Andrea angrily.

"Yeah but she's a Reaver!" Paisley snapped at Andrea's defense for Kira.

"Doesn't mean she doesn't have feelings! Slade was one!"

"So why did we bring them?" Kira shouted over the noise. Her eyes were still on the road as she drove. Sense Adolf didn't know how to drive. Adolf looked at her and then at his friends. "They deserve to see Adriana. She's part of their family." Adolf said with a growl. Kira just rolled her eyes at him.

"I don't believe in family."

Her few words silenced the whole car. All eyes were now on Kira. She acted like their stares didn't affect her. "If you all don't stop staring you'll be flying out of this car!" Kira threatened angrily. Adolf could sense the sadness in her words. He knew that she didn't mean it. She was trying to look tough.

"Don't you have a family?" Adolf asked curiously. His question seemed to have tensed Kira. Her muscles tightened up. The muscles on her face tightened.

Finally, they all got the hospital. Kira parked and got out of the car. Along with everyone else. She looked back at everyone else. "I'll tell you what I know when we get to your friend." The seriousness in her voice and eyes showed she meant it.

Paisley growled at her and then walked passed her. Hitting Kira's shoulder on purpose. Kira faltered a little but she didn't complain. Before she tripped on her feet Mack grabbed her. A low growl escaped Adolf's lips when he watched Mack grab Kira. He looks away and tries to ignore them.

They all walked into the hospital and walked to the main desk. The nurse at the desk stared wide eyed at their sizes. Adolf walked ahead of them and stood in front of the desk. "We are here to see Adriana Coleman." Adolf spoke softly. The nurse nods and looked through the computer.

She scavenges through the computer. Finally finding it, the nurse looked up at them with a smile. "She's in room 65. Just hang a right at the end of the hallway." the nurse said. Adolf nods and looks behind to his friends. They were all staring around. Sighing, he thought they haven't been in a hospital before.

"Let's go."

Adolf took off down the hallway. Paisley, Mack, Andrea, Slade, and Kira behind him. People around them were either sick or doctors. The doctors looked up at them as they passed by. Some visitors did the same. Looking like they never seen such tall, strong people before.

Turning the corner and finding room 65. Adolf turned the doorknob and entered. He found Adriana unconscious on the hospital bed. Orion and Élan sat on the chairs. They both looked up at them.

"Is she alright?" Andrea asked as she pushed passed Adolf. Walking toward her older cousin. She touches his shoulder and he tensed. Orion looked up at her. "She's just in a coma." Élan spoke sadly. She stood up and walked over to Orion. Touching his shoulder encouragingly.

Adolf walked up to Adriana. He touches her arm and felt her move. A gasp escaped his lips. She looked calm but her reflexes were up and about. "She's asleep but she can somehow talk and react." Orion said from behind. He walks up to stand next to Adolf. "With the way she spoke and reacted, she should awake probably tomorrow or something."

"Her wolf side chose for her to be in the coma." Kira said suddenly. All hears turned to face her. "What?" they all said simultaneously. She gave off a cocky smirk. "The wolf in her shut down to keep her protected. It wasn't because of the fall or the water. The doctors just think that." Kira said in her thick Russian accent.

Every one of them shared a confused expression. Kira just sighed and continued on.

"With her blood her wolf side is protecting her. The Navajo blood shut her body down so she wouldn't feel. If she was awake she would've died. Certain blood types for wolves can protect their bodies. Some can heal themselves even at the most difficult healing situations.

'Some others can't. Adriana's blood can keep herself maintained."

Adolf began to understand what she meant. The knowledge Kira shared was useful. "So when should she awake?" Paisley asked a little hopefully. Kira walked over to Adriana and examined her. She turned to look at Adolf. "How high was the cliff she fell off?" Kira asked him.

He began to think. He didn't see where she fell from. The cliff he thought she fell off was about 50 feet. "About 50 feet." Adolf answered. Kira nodded and looked back at Adriana. "Probably in a day or two." Kira spoke like she was a professional.

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