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"There's something I need tell you."

"Ok." I said nervously.

"Those kids at school aren't exactly excepting of as they would put it, fags."

"How do you know?"

"I've heard them talk about a few of the other kids at school who're gay."

"Please don't tell anyone."

"I won't."

"Thank you."

"Alright, who wants pancakes?" Mikey said.

No one said anything. We just looked at Mikey for putting an end to this conversation.

"Ok, don't answer all at once."

"I didn't think you could cook." I said raising an eyebrow.

"I can't, but I can read instructions."

"I guess if the house doesn't burn down, it's edible." Frank said.

"No, he almost did that too three weeks ago?"


"His dumbass stuck a fork in a toaster."

"I was wondering where the toaster went. I couldn't make any toast."

"I say we leave before he manages to set one of us on fire."

"I'm right here."

"When has that ever stopped me?"

A few minutes later, screeching had emitted from the kitchen along with metal clashing together.

"Do you smell smoke?" Frank asked.

I nodded my head and soon the fire alarm was going off.

We walking in the kitchen to see the stove was on fire. I rushed around out of worry. I knew what to do, but my body responded naturally. I turned on the sink and grabbed the side sprayer and pointed it at the stove. It was a while before the fire started to go down.

"How did you manage to set the stove on fire?" I asked.

"I don't know. One minute I was cooking, the next, the stove was on fire."

"Don't ever try to cook again."

"Why didn't use a fire extinguisher?" Mikey asked.

"I would if we had one!"

"We don't have one?"


"I have one."

"Good for you."


"Just wait until mom finds out." I said looking at Mikey.

"Well, she's not gonna find out."

"She'll have to take you to work with her on the weekends to make sure you don't burn down the house."


"And she'll have to hold your hand so she can make sure you don't run off and blow something up."

I heard Mikey's phone begin to ring and he took the phone out. His face turned to complete horror before showing me who was calling. I looked at him and laughed. He answered the phone and slowly put it to his ear.


"Micheal James Way!" I heard our mother yell from the other end of the phone.

He quickly removed the phone from his ear and cringed.

"Did you catch something on fire?!"


"The neighbors called me and said they smelt smoke coming from our house!"

"I c-can explain. I was trying to make breakfast and somehow the stove, it caught on fire......Yes ma'am. She wants to talk to you." He said handing me the phone.

I put it to my ear kind of afraid of what she was going to do.


"Gerard Arthur Way, how many times have I told you not to let your brother cook?! You know there's a possibility of him cathcing something fire ninty-eight percent of the time!"

"I'm sorry, I thought today would be that two percent that he didn't."

"Well guess what, it wasn't!"

"I'm sorry."

"You guys are buying me a new stove so I suggest you start looking for a job!" She said hanging up.

"What did she say?" Mikey asked as I handed him his phone back.

"She said we have to buy her a new stove."

"How are we supposed to do that?!"

"She said we needed to get a job."

"You guys have to get jobs!" Frank laughed.

"At least we'll have money, unlike you." I said looking at him.

"Hey, I have money!"

"Oh yeah, how much?"

He mumbled something that was incoherent.

"What was that?"

He mumbled something once more.

"I didn't hear you."

"I said I have five dollars!"

I laughed at his lack of money.

"Oh yeah, how much do you have?"

"Thirty-eight dollars."

"No one likes a show off!"

"I have twenty-three." Mikey said.

"Again, no one likes a show off!"

Mikey had started laughing, mocking Frank.

"I'm so done with you guys."

I tried to stifle my laughter while looking at Frank. I could see a smile begin to crack through his frown. He shook his head and looked down.

"I'll help you guys."

"No, it's not your responsibility." Mikey said.

"No, I want to help."

"No. It's not your problem. I'm not gonna let you spend the money you earned on buying a new stove." I said looking at him.

"I was here when it happened. So I'm part of this. I'm gonna help pay for it also."

"No you're not."






"He's not gonna stop until he gets his way." Mikey said looking between the two of us.



"Starbucks, here we come."

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