Past And Present

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Gerard's POV:

We were lying on my bed for the last day he was here. We had shared small kisses, enjoying each other's company. His hand rested on my chest while I held him close. I wanted to enjoy the next hour I had with him before I had to drop him off at home.

I found school more boring than ever without Frank beside me. I had lunch with him and my brother. Mikey had started bringing this kid around to sit with us at the table. His name is Ray and he has this huge afro.

There were a few more weeks before we went on Christmas break. Frank and I had made plans on hanging out throughout the three weeks we were out. Mikey had already made plans for Ray to come over also. Ray had agreed without any hesitation.

I could see the small looks Mikey would give Ray. Mikey liked Ray. It was obvious. I knew Ray liked him too.

I could tell Mikey hung onto every word Ray said. Mikey would tell me all about him after school while we sat in the living room trying to do our homework. Ray was too shy to come and tell me anything though. These were things that I thought about while Frank and I laid on my bed.

"I love you, Gee."

"I love you too."

"I wish I could stay here."

"Me too."

"I'm gonna miss you."

"You act like I'm going off to war or something."

"Or something. I have to go back home. I love my mom, don't get me wrong, but I also want you there."

"You do realize we will still hang out?"

"I know, but I like being with you."

"Me too."

"Can I tell you something?"


"Before we met, I had seen you around school. You seemed so cool, like this badass senior that didn't need anybody. I had wanted to talk to you and then I saw you at that party that night and I knew that was my chance. What I hadn't realized is that, even when you wanted nothing to do with me, I had this small, little crush on you. I pushed that away because I thought you'd never like me like that because you're a senior and I'm junior and I didn't know if you were this real badass that didn't socialize with juniors or whatever."


"Yeah. And now some of the juniors know that you and I are dating and they didn't know why you'd date me."

"Why would they think that?"

"Because you stayed by yourself all the time and didn't talk to anybody and so we didn't know if it was an ego thing or what and so we kinda painted you as a cocky bastard."

"So you're friends think I'm so kind of badass?"


"And what do they tell you?"


"About dating a "badass"?"

"Shut up. They tell me how cool I am 'cause I'm dating a mysterious senior that no one knows nothing about."

"I can't believe you guys thought I was a badass." I laughed.

"What did you think about me?"

"I knew you were that one "badass" junior, as everyone put it, and I wanted nothing to do with you, but you kept talking to me so I finally gave in and now here we are."

"You noticed me?"

"I knew who you were and I knew who you hung out with."


"I wasn't a stalker. I would just see in the hallways with your friends."


"Says the one who ambushed me at a party."

"Soda boy."

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