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Frank's POV:

I had been getting ready to head over to Gerard's. He wanted to have a date at his house, but told me to dress in sweats or something. Luckily, I didn't have to put too much effort into getting ready. I slipped some shoes right as my mom said Gerard was here. I ran downstairs and to the front door. I hugged him for a little while before letting go.

"Are you ready?"


"Before you two go," my mom started,"I have to go outta town this weekend and I won't be back until Wednesday. If your mom doesn't mind, could he stay with you guys? I don't want him to be here alone."

"I'll ask my mom. Let me call her real quick."

"You didn't say anything about this."

"I know, honey, but I barely found out today that I had to do this."

"Where are you going? "

"My job is sending to Ohio for some important business."

"Ok. Be safe then. Call me when you get to the airport and when you land and remember no talking to strange men. Take your pepper spray."

"I will." She laughed.

"My mom said he could stay for as long as you need." Gerard said.

"I'll go pack some clothes." I said running back upstairs.

I saw Gerard come in and sit on my bed.

"Need any help?"

"I've got it."

"You sure?"


"Where's your mom going?"

"Small business trip to Ohio. That's all she told me."


I looked over at him and smiled. He looked so nice today, even if he was just in pajama pants and gray t-shirt. His hair was disheveled as always and his eyes were bright. He was playing with his keys as he waited patiently for me to finish.

"I'm ready." I said zipping up my duffle bag.

"Legs go." He said.

I grabbed his hand as we walked downstairs. I hugged my mom before I left. Gerard took the duffle bag away from me and opened the door for me to get in. He threw my bag into the back seat and got in himself. He started the car and drove off.


"It's raining." I said looking at a small window that was in the wall.

"What a perfect day." Gerard said holding me closer.

"I don't want this to end." I sighed happily.

"For this weekend, it doesn't have to."


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