On The Dot Part 2

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I sat there, not really knowing what to do besides have a fucking seizure. His silence was my answer. I wanted to confirm it, however. Maybe he's lying.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Was my silence not good enough?"

What does he fucking see in me?!


"Do I have to say it?"

"I'd like that, yes."

He pulled the car over and stopped. He put the car in park and looked directly at me.

"I didn't know any other way to tell you beside letting you figure it out yourself, but yes, I do like you and it's ok if you don't like me back. I understand completely and I'm fine with staying friends."

"You idiot."

"W-what?" He asked with a hurt look.

"Couldn't you tell?"

"Tell what?"

"That I like you too." I laughed.


"Well, I do." I smiled.

"That's a relief."


"'Cause this would've been very awkward." He laughed nervously.

I was processing everything that had just been said. I was the person he was talking about this whole time. I had never actually liked anyone so this was new to me. I felt nervous.

"Soooo, now what?" Gerard asked.

"I don't know."

"Me too."

"We could go on a date." I suggested.



"Well what?"

"Aren't you gonna ask me?"

"Oh! Um, yeah. We-would yo-u like to go on a d-d-date with m-me?"

"Of course!"

"Ok. H-how about Saturday at 5?"

"Sounds good."

"So, now what?"

"Please tell me nothing is gonna change between us."

"Nothing will change, I promise." Gerard said while looking at me.

"Are you sure."

"I'm positive. I don't want anything to change."

"Me too."

I looked at Gerard, admiring everything about him. I didn't know what was going to happen. Part of me wanted to be his boyfriend already. However, the other half was nervous. I had never dated anyone before. I just fucked them and went on my way.

I never stayed with someone in a relationship. I never had anyone tell me they loved me like that, let alone liked me. Sure people probably wanted something from me. They just wanted what I could offer, not me in general.

To have someone like me like that was weird to think about. Someone actually liked me for who I am, not for what I could offer. I could offer a good time, but a relationship? I don't know if I'm capable of that and Gerard was willing to try.

"What are we gonna do today?" I asked.

"Well, whatever you wanna do."

"We can hang out at one of our houses?"

"Sure, which one?"



Gerard started the car again and took off. We drove around for a little before heading to his house. Once we were there, we went straight to his room. He sat down in front of his TV stand and went through his movies.

"Come here." He said.

I stood up and sat down beside him.

"Pick which one you wanna watch."

I shifted through the stack of movies. I set the ones that caught my eye to the side and put the ones I knew for sure I didn't want to watch back on the stand. I saw he had Suicide Squad and almost freaked out. I handed him the movie and he looked down at it.

"Can we watch it?" I asked.

"I don't know. Can we?" He smirked.

"You asshat."

"Yeah." He said putting the movie in.

We got on his bed and laid down. I grabbed the blanket he had laying at the end of his bed and covered myself with it. I felt him tug the blanket off of me and covered the both of us. I wanted to cuddle up to him so bad, but for some reason I couldn't.

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