On The Dot

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Frank's POV:

It's been days since Gerard told me to think about who it was that he liked. I didn't know what to do. It felt like I was fucking crazy. I wanted to know so bad.

The only people I'm really close with is his brother and he's already confirmed it isn't him, thank God. I have acquaintances, but not friends. My only friends are Gerard and Mikey. I was tempted to ask Mikey, but if I was supposed to figure it out on my own, Gerard doesn't want me asking for the answer.

I looked at Gerard from across the field. He was standing there in his gym shorts with his pale legs on display. His hair was perfectly messy, as always, and he wore a straight face. I had PE with him, but I refused to wear what was given to me. I walked over to him and smiled. He looked at me and shook his head already knowing I'd get in trouble.

"Iero! Everyday I have to tell you this! Juniors on one side and Seniors on the other!"

"Oh, I'm sorry sir, but I clearly prefer to be over here."

"You need to be with your grade level!"

"Suck my balls."

"What did you say?!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. What I said was, "How would you like to suck my balls,", Mr.Garrison?"

"Principals office! NOW!"

I look over at Gerard to see his body shaking slightly.

"What's so funny, Way?!"

"Nothing, Sir."

"How would you like to join Mr.Iero.?"

"Let's go, Mr.Iero."

"After you, Mr.Way." I laughed.

"South Park?" He asked as we started walking to the exit.

"Yeah." I laughed.

We left the gym, trying to control our laughter. Gerard headed for the locker room with me following him. I let him change in privacy as I looked around. I heard him shut his locker signaling he was finished.

"Where to next?" Gerard asked slinging his backpack over his shoulders.

"Principal's office?" I shrugged.

"Nah." Gerard smiled.

We left the school building and to Gerard's car. We got in as he started the car and left the parking lot.

"Have you skipped before?" I asked.

"Before I met you, yes. Then I had a reason to come and stay."

I looked down at my lap with a smile. He only went to school for me.


"Because, I get to see you when I can."

I felt a blush make its way onto my cheeks. I looked at Gerard to see a small blush cover his own.

"What about Mikey?"

"I live with the kid."

He doesn't even go for Mikey, only me.

"No one else?" I asked.

"No one else."

"Just me?"

"Just you." He confirmed.

Was I the person he was talking about? Was I the one he liked? There was no way. Me of all people. I wanted to ask him so badly, but he is changed the subject.

"You know, I would see you around the halls, hitting on anything that had two legs. You were wild. What happened?"

I couldn't tell him I went soft. Especially for him. I fucked around. I was careless.

"I matured, just a little. Not too much."

"Uh huh."


"And what?"

"I developed feelings for someone and felt like it was wrong for me to do all of those things."

I met him, I fell for him. I wanted to tell him that, but what would he think? A kid like me falling for someone who's off to college next year. Classic. The person he likes is probably a Senior too. They have more of a chance than I do.

"So, who is this mystery person? "

"I'll tell you only if you tell me."

"Frank, it's the most obvious answer in the world. Who do you know best? Think about it. Who do you know?"

I sat there, thinking. Who could it be? I don't know anyone like that. I've never been close to anyone.

"I don't. The only two people I know are you and Mikey. It's not Mikey, unless you're really self-centered."

"It's not me either, you idiot."

"Then who is it?" I whined.

"Besides Mikey and I, who do you know best? You know everything about them. Me and this person are really alike."

I thought about it. There were a few people at school who dresses similar to Gerard and I, but I knew none of them. I'd like to think so much that he was talking about me. I doubt it though.

"Who?" I asked.

"Take a guess."

"Ok, there are other people like us at school, but I don't know them."

"You're getting close."

"I know you, Mikey, and myself pretty well."


"You said it wasn't Mikey or yourself. So I'm the only one left."


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