Chapter 1

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"What's so great about him?" Serena asks, as she plays with her pasta. She watches the "hottie heartthrob." in the cafeteria, woo gullible girls, even guys.

Dawn sighs, "Serena, we've been through this a thousand times."

Serena raises her eyebrow, as Dawn sighs again, "He's got the money, looks and talent." Dawn dreamily laughs, "Boy, I'd do anything to go on a date with him."

Serena rolls her eyes, lightly chuckling at her dodo-brain friend. She smirks, "Not even Gary?"

Dawn blushes a crimson red, and crossed her arm over the over, "N-No!" she exclaims.

Serena laughs, and pushes her food tray towards Dawn. "Here."

Dawn happily takes the food tray, and ate whatever was left of it.


"Ash!" Ash turns around, seeing his best friend, Gary, run towards him.

Ash smirks, tackling him into a bro-hug. Gary places his hands behind his head, "So Ash, what's on the agenda today?"

Ash sighs. "The usual. Flirting, basketball practice, and flirting."

Gary sighs, "Of course."

Ash chuckles. They enter the cafeteria, only to be overrun by a stampede of Ash's girls. "Date me!" "Can you sign my forehead?" "MARRY ME!" they all cry. Ash laughs, "Excuse me ladieesss."

They eventually push through the girls, and grab their cafeteria food tray. Ash looks around, looking for any seat available. Girls would offer him a seat, but he would kindly deny. He then spots a certain honey-blonde girl. Ash smirks, nudging his friend. "Let's sit there, Gare-bear."

Gary raises his eyebrow, "With Serena and Dawn?"

Ash continued staring at Serena, "Yeah, yeah. Miss Blonde 0'there." As Ash snaps out of his trance, he turns to Gary, "The bluenette's yours."

Gary rolls his eyes, mumbling, "Fine, whatever." Gary smiles, happy that he'll get to sit with Dawn.


Dawn rubs her stomach in a circular motion, "That was gooood!" she exclaims.

Serena laughs, "Okay! Let's go!"

"Uh-oh, not so fast, cutie."

Serena turns around, and disappointedly sighs as she sees the heartthrob himself, Ash Ketchum.

Serena growls, "What do you want?"

Ash was taken back by this, "What? Are you not happy to see me?"

Serena rolls her eyes, as she watches Gary sit next to Dawn.

Gary takes his phone out, and shows an image to Dawn. Dawn covers her mouth to prevent her laughter.

Ash was somehow annoyed, by this. He grabbed Gary's phone, his eyes widening in shock. "Gary!" he exclaims.

Serena now curious, raises her eyebrows at Gary. Ash shakes his head, "Don't show it to her!"

Serena snickers, "Show it to me!"

Dawn laughs, "Okay then. Gary?"

Gary giggles, placing his phone on Serena's hand.

Ash facepalms, "Gary! We talked about this." He pouts, glaring at Gary.

Gary laughs, as Serena explodes with laughter. There, it shows Ash in his unicorn boxers, holding ice cream.

Serena hands the phone back to Gary, "I'd never expect that from a playboy."

Ash smirks, and scoots closer to Serena, "There are a lot of thing you don't know about me, babe." He winks, making Serena shiver.

He was halfway into wrapping an arm around Serena, as she harshly slapped it away.

"Ow!" Ash exclaims. "What was that for, Blondie?"

Serena rolls her eyes, "The name's Serena!" she growls. She grabs Dawn's wrist, pulling her out of the cafeteria, "C'mon Dawn."

Dawn waves to Gary, "Bye Gary!"

Gary waves back, "Bye, ladies!"

Ash puts AGAIN, crossing his arm over the other.

"It's like Blondie didn't have any interest me, whatsoever." he complains.

Gary laughs, placing a hand on his head, "I think it's because she doesn't have interest in you."

Ash's eyes widens, "Not true! Y'know what I think? She's playing hard to get!"

"Sure, okay Ash." Gary sarcastically mumbles. He sees Ash with his goofy grin plastered on his face. Gary sighs, "What're you up to?"

Ash chuckles, "I won't give up till she's mine!"

Gary rolls his eyes, "Oh, Ash. I'd like to see you try."


Serena pulls Dawn away from the cafeteria, and led her outside the school.

"What was that for?" Dawn pouts.

Serena sighs, "Did you not see me suffer back there?"

Dawn smirks, "And did you not see me happy back there?"

Serena smiles, "Ugh, you win."

Dawn chuckles, "Did you see the way Ash was looking at you??"

Serena rolls her eyes, "Like the way he looks at every other girl?" She scoffs, "Yeah, I saw it."

Dawn groans, "Sereeeeennnnaaaa! He was so into you!"

Serena facepalms, "You are dense, Dawn."

Dawn pouts, "Ouch."

The school dismissal bell rings, as Serena giggles, "Let's go Dawn. Tomorrow's another day."


And done!
I think this first chapter was a success! If you ask me ;)

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