Chapter 12 ~ Gary. Freaking. Oak!

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Dawn slams her phone against the coffee table, pacing anxiously around Gary's living room.

"What's bothering you, Dawn?" Gary asks, as he opens a bag of chips.

Dawn continued pacing, and kept her eyes on her phone, "Nothing. Nothing at all." she mutters.

Gary sighs, "C'mon Dawn, I may be stupid. But I'm not THAT stupid. Now you're just offending me. Talk to me."

Dawn sighs in defeat, "It's Serena. I tried calling her, but she isn't answering."

Gary lets out a chuckle, "Um, she's on a date with Ash." he says, throwing a chip in his mouth.

Dawn immediately stops pacing, as she walks over to Gary, her eyes filled with anguish. "GARY. FREAKING. OAK!YOU NEVER TOLD ME!" she exclaims, grasping on the collar of his shirt.

Gary raises his hands in the air, "I'm sorry! I forgot!"

Dawn sighs, taking her hand off his collar. "It's okay. Serena's my best friend. I need to know where she is at all times!" she exclaims.

Gary nods, "I get it. I'm the same with Ashy-Boy."

Dawns eyes lit up, "What do you think they're doing on right now?" she excitedly asks.

Gary carelessly shrugs, popping another chip in his mouth. "Mhm. Herm terld meh heh wes terking her to curmhm cirty." he mumbled.

Dawn facepalms, "Gary, just swallow those chips first."

Gary swallows, "Okay. I was saying that he told me that he was going to take her to Coumarine City."

Dawn raises her brow, crossing her arms, "What for?"

Gary sighs, "Dawn, I really don't know. For all I know, they could be stuffing each other's faces in their asses. Literally."

Dawn gasps at his response, slapping his cheek. "Gary Oak! We are underage!"

Gary rubs his cheek, groaning slightly. "Oh man, you're just like Serena."

Dawn giggles, forming her hand into a peace sign, "Oh, oops!"

Gary smiles, placing his hands on his hips, "Yup! Dawn's back!"

Dawn sighs, sitting on Gary's couch. "I really want to know what they're doing right now."

Gary scoffs, "WOW Dawn. You are VERY nosy."

Dawn pouts, "I can't help it, it's in my nature!"

Gary rolls his eyes, "I never get you girls."

Dawn rolls her eyes, "And I never get you boys." she says in a mimicking tone.

Gary pouts, "Hey!"

Dawn smirks, "Hey!"

Gary frowns, then smirks. "Dawn Hikari Diamond."

Dawn growls, "Yuck! Not my full name!

Gary winks, "Haha! Gotcha!"

Dawn giggles, scratching the back of her neck, "Yeah, I guess you did, Oak."

She smiles, and looks down to where her feet were. "So. What do we do now?"

Gary gives a goofy grin, placing the bag of chips in the cabinet, "Well. It's not fair that both of our friends get to have fun, and we don't... c'mon! Let's go to the beach!" he says, grabbing Dawn's hand.

Dawn blushes by the sudden contact, "Gary! Are you crazy?!"

Gary leads her out the door, as he smiles widely. "Yes. Yes I am."

Dawn pouts, "Gary! It's snowing! We can't go to the beach during this time of the year!"

Gary scoffs, "Oh Dawn, we'll just have to find the right beach."

Dawn raises her brow, as Gary leads her through the snow. "And what beach do you have in mind?"

Gary smirks, "Cyllage Beach!"

Dawn sighs, "Get yourself ready, legs. This is going to be a long walk."


Just wanted to do something different. Remember the main characters of this story are Ash, Serena, DAWN and GARY.

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