Chapter 6 ~ What Happened Last Night?

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Serena runs through the sidewalk, towards her house. She looked up, and realized it started to snow. It was still winter, after all. (It's still January.)

But that was the least of her worries. She ran through the snow, tears falling down her face.

She soon reaches her home, and unlocks the door. She enters, silently, just in case her mother is sleeping. She lays herself on her sofa, and closes her eyes.

The scene kept playing in her head.

Over, and over....

All over again.

She began to sob, and sob.

The door unlocks, as Serena holds the sofa pillow up to her face for self-defense. The door widens, revealing Dawn and Gary.

Serena wipes her nose, sniffling, "Oh, it's just you guys."

Dawn sighs, as Gary locks the door behind her.

"Sere, you alright?"Dawn worriedly asks, stroking Serena's honey-blonde hair.

Serena laughs, "Do I look okay?"

Dawn shakes her head, "I can't believe Ash would do this to you, he's such a jerk. He'd never do anything like that.

Gary sighs, "I agree. Before we jump to conclusions, I'll talk to Ash about it tomorrow."

Serena sniffs, "But Gary, tomorrow's Saturday."

Gary laughs, "Then I'll have to track him down if that's necessary."

Serena sighs in relief, wiping the tears from her face, and the snow off her shoulders. "You're the best guys, thank you."

Gary smiles, "We're your friends. We'll always be here."

Dawn nods in agreement, "Always."

Serena laughs, picking up her phone...

*"TheGirlWithTheStrawHat" has changed "1andonlyAssKetchup's" name.*

Dawn and Gary laugh, as they check their phones.

Gary raises an eyebrow, smiling, "Lunatic Psycho Maniac?"

Dawn giggles, "Well, it was necessary this time."

Gary places a hand on Serena's shoulder, "Everything will be okay, Serena."


*Time skip to the following morning."

Ash woke up to unfamiliar surroundings, and stood from the bed, as he looks behind him.

"Miette?" he whispers.

"Did I? With her? Ew. No way." Ash shivers at the thought, and makes his way out the door.


Ash made it to his home. He decided to sit down on the tire swing, he dusts of the snow, trying to gather up any memory of what happened that very night. He stares at his lap, thinking hard.

"Ash?" A voice speaks.  Ash looks up, and smiles to see a familiar face.

"Hey Gare-Bear!" he exclaims.

Gary growls, smacking Ash's head.

"Ow!" Ash complains, "what was that for?"

Gary rolls his eyes, "For last night, IDIOT." he hisses.

Ash stutters, "I-I don't know w-what happens last n-night." Ash let his head hang low, "I'm sorry." he whispers.

Gary's face softens. "What?" He asks. "Can you at least tell me what you remember?"

Ash nods, "W-well, I remember going to Miette's house. She gave me these drinks, a-and I felt like passing out."

Gary sighs, "It sounds like she drugged you, man."

Ash groans, "A-and I r-remember, kissing her? A-and y-you, Dawn, and S-Serena...."

Ash realizes what he had done, he remembers everything now.

"Ohhh, shit!" he exclaims, running his fingers through his raven-black hair.
"Serena must be mad at me right now!" he shouts.

Gary nods, "More than mad. C'mon bro, you've got to tell her everything."

Ash panics, "Where is she? Is she okay? GARE-BEAR, I NEED TO KNOW!" Ash grabs Gary's shoulder, and starts to shake him.

Gary groans, "Calm down, Ashy-Boy! She's at her house with Dawn."

Ash stands up, removing his hands from Gary's shoulders. "I've got to talk to her, now!"

Gary grabs his wrist. "Not now, Ash, Maybe tomorrow, she's still pretty beaten."

Ash sighs, scratching the back of hush head, "Oh, you're right."

Gary chuckles, "In the meantime, let's clean you up. You're covered in snow, and you smell like alcohol. Overall, you smell like a dead rat. You're welcome." (Oh, Gary.)


Short chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed anyways! I know I did ;) Remember to follow me for updates, and ask any questions if needed. :)

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