Chapter 33 ~ Confessions!

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Grace excitedly claps. "Great! This is exactly what I wanted to hear."

Ash lets out a chuckle, as Grace smiles.

"You've got to hurry, Ash." she says, as Ash walks to Serena's room.

Ash spun back around, to face her mother.

"Don't let my little one go." She whispers.

Ash determinedly nods, "Even if I wanted to, I could never let her go."


Serena hurriedly ran back in her room, slamming the door with all her might.

Dawn and Gary had questionable looks plastered on their faces.

"Fennekin? Fen Fen!" Fennekin worriedly asks her trainer.

Serena looks at the Fox Pokémon, and back to her friends.

"I'm fine guys. Really." she calmly says, forcing a smile.

Dawn shakes her head, walking towards the honey-blonde. "I'm not buying it. I know that look."

Gary nods. "Me too. I've been friends with you long enough to know whether your smile is real or not."

Serena rolls her eyes, and decided to give in. "Fine. I'll tell you. I went to the bathroom, but I had that sudden urge to listen to what mom had been saying to Ash. I know it was wrong. I know."

Dawn furries her brows, intrigued by their conversation. "Okay. What did you hear?"

"Just boring stuff until..." Serena pause.

She takes a deep breath. "He doesn't like me back." she whispers, chewing the inside of her lip.

Dawn frowns. "T-that's impossible! R-right Gary?"

Serena raises her brow. "Gary?"

Gary had his eyes glued on his mobile phone. "Hey. Have you heard about this meme? It goes, "Cash me out-"

"Now's not the time, Gary!" Dawn exclaims, slapping the sense out of her idiotic boyfriend.

Serena slightly giggles. "I should wipe these tears off before Ash-"

"Did someone say my name?" Ash says, startling Serena and Dawn.

Serena avoids eye-contact, frantically wiping her tears with her arms.

Ash raises a brow in concern. "What's going on, sensei?"

Dawn began to sweat. "N-Nothing! Nothing is wrong! Everything is fine! I mean, it's not like Serena heard a part of your conversation with Gra-"

Serena quickly cuts her off, placing her hand over Dawn's mouth. "Way to be subtle!" Serena silently hisses.

"What she means that...erm...we're having a bit of a struggle figuring out what sleepover games we should play!" Serena says, forcing a smile.

Ash grins. "I've got some ideas in mind!"

Serena nods. "Great! Uh- I've got a wash up first, I'll be right back."

Serena hurriedly walks towards her door, only to be stopped by Ash. He curled his fingers around her wrist, gently pulling her closer.

He scanned her face carefully, placing a hand on her wet cheeks.

"Have you been crying, Serena?" Ash worriedly asks.

Serena wriggles out of his grip, and left without a single word.

Ash frowns. "What's up with her? And why isn't Gary saying anything?"

Dawn shrugs, nudging her boyfriend. "Say something, Gary."

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