Chapter 22 ~ Serena's Sweet 16 - Part One

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Gary spits his coke out. "YOUR BIRTHDAY IS WHEN!? TOMORROW!?"

"GEEZ Gary! Say it! Don't spray it!" Ash complains.

"Sorry!" Gary says, giving Ash an apologetic look. "I'm just surprised that Serena's turning sixteen before all of us.."

Ash shakes his head. "My birthday was a couple days ago."

Dawn raises a brow, before smirking. "You just can't accept the fact that Serena's older than you."

"Actually, he's right." Gary interrupts. "He told me to keep it secret, because knowing you girls, you'd throw a huge ball for Lord's sake."

"Oh man, now I feel guilty!" Serena pouts.

Dawn nods, "Same here!"

Ash smiles, "Don't be, girls. Anyways, are you planning to throw a Sweet Sixteen?" he asks.

"Actually, yeah. I'm inviting everyone at school. Well, everyone but Miette, and Lillie." Serena beams.

Ash spits out his drink, "Wait, does that mean you're...inviting Calem?!"

Gary facepalms, "Look who's spraying now!"

Serena giggles, "Of course, Ash! He's a good friend of mine."

"Good friend, my ass." he mumbles.

Serena harshly slaps Ash's arm. "Enough with the attitude, Ketchum!"

Dawn let's out a laugh, "So, where is it being held?"

Serena smiles at her bluenette friend. "At my house! My mom and I can't really afford" she says shyly.

Gary winks at Ash, "Hey! We can rent a place for you!"

Ash grins, "Yeah! I mean, we've got the money after all."

Serena blushes, "Oh no! I'm not letting you do that. Besides, I really wanted to throw the party there."

Ash and Gary pout. "We just want the best for you, Serena." Gary says.

Serena grins widely, "And I appreciate it, I really do! But you being there will make it a WHOLE lot better."

Dawn smiles, "She's right!"

Ash smirks, "Tomorrow, eh? Well. We gotta get ready, don't we?"

Gary nods in agreement, "Gift Shopping!"

Dawn squeals, "I'm in!"

Serena shakes her head, but before she can protest, Ash has spoken up.

"Nuh-uh-uh, Serena! Gary, Dawn and I are getting you gifts, whether you like it, or not!" Ash exclaims.


Timeskip to Serena's Party.....

Grace enters the living room, and made her way past many teenagers, embracing her daughter into a huge hug. "Oh! My little girl, she's growing up so fast! Sooner or later, she won't be needing me anymore." she exclaims.

Serena hugs her back, "Oh, mom! I'll always need you. I love you too much to let you go!"

Grace sighs, "That's my girl!" She shouts among the guests.

"So, where're your friends?" Grace curiously asks, frantically searching for any sign of Ash, Gary, or Dawn.

Serena beams. "Dawn and Gary are on their way! I don't know about Ash, though. He hasn't been answering my texts." she says, clutching the blue ribbon that wrapped around her wrist.

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