Chapter 17 ~ Saved! (Hour Three)

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Ash banged the walls of the small elevator, as Serena did the same.

"Help!" Serena yelled. "Calem!"

Ash turns to Serena, "Out of all people, you called him?" he scoffs.

Serena flails her arms in defense. "Hey! I think he's a nice guy."

Ash rolls his eyes. "Enough about him. I'm hungry!" he complains, rubbing his stomach."

Serena raises her brow. "I recall you eating almost five sandwiches before we left for Gary' I correct?" Serena asks.

Ash pouts, "Yeah, but that was just a snack."

Serena facepalms, "Seriously, I don't get why you're not fat."

Ash shrugs, "Me neither. So, do you have anything to munch on?"

Serena looks in her purse. She takes out two candy canes, and packet of gum.

Ash's eyes lit up, as he happily takes the candy canes, sticking him both in his mouth.

"Look! I'm a walrus!" he exclaims, impersonating a walrus.

Serena rolls her eyes at his playful attitude. "You're such a kid, Ash." she says, a wide grin plastered on her face.

Ash ate the candy canes, "Hey! There's that smile again. Welcome back!" he says.

Serena punches his arm, "Oh, shut it, Ketchum."

Serena continued to bang the walls, "CALEM! CALEM!"

Ash grunts, "Again with Calem, Serena." he sits down, flailing his arms around. "I don't like him."

Serena stops banging the wall, as she places both her hands on her hips. "YOU can't decide who I get to hang out with." Serena exclaims in defense.

Ash rolls his eyes, "Oh, yes I can!"

"No, YOU can't!" Serena fumes.

Ash smirks, "Do you know why?" he stands up, trapping Serena in one of the corners of the elevator with his arms.

Serena attempts to push him away, but he was too strong.

Ash rests his chin on her shoulder, "Because I'm your boyfriend." he whispers, sending shivers down her spine.

She blushes a scarlet red, and finally pushes him away, "In your dreams, Ketchum!" she yells. "Besides, I like someone else." she lies.

Ash felt his heart shatter, shatter into millions of individual pieces. He furrowed his eyebrows, as he clenches his fists, "Then, WHO IS HE?!" he shouts.

Serena jumps, "I-I can't tell you." she nonchalantly says, lowering her head.

Ash sighs, falling back to where he sat. "You should probably rest. It's getting late."

Serena slowly nods, as she tries to shrug off their mini argument.

She walks to the opposite corner of Ash, and sat down, attempting to fall asleep.

Ash suddenly felt the urge to hug her, to comfort her, to apologize. But no, that was not his job. She was not his.

Serena curls up into a ball, her head in her legs. She wanted to cry. But Ash wasn't worth her tears. He never was.
One day, she'll find someone. Someone who isn't Ash. She deserves better.

She lifted her head up, "One day." she whispers.

Ash heard this, "One day what?" he whispers back in concern.

Serena rolls her eyes, sending an evil glare to the raven-haired boy. She turns around, so she wouldn't have to face him anymore.

She lowers her head down again, as Ash wraps his arms around her waist, bringing her closer to him.

"I'm sorry, Serena." he whispers. "I don't know why I'm acting like this."

Serena nods, accepting his apology. "I don't know why I'm acting like this either." she thought.

The lights flickered again. On, then off. This went on continuously.

Serena felt her heart pound within every flicker. Ash held her tighter for comfort.

A sharp jerk.

"Serena, Ash? Are you all okay?" yells a voice.

Serena releases from Ash's tight grip, and stood up. "Y-yes! We're here! A-Ash! His head is a bit swollen."

"Okay!" yells the voice. "This is Officer Jenny. The rescue team is on their way!" Officer Jenny exclaims.

Ash stands up as well, "Thank you, ma'am!"

Serena faces Ash, embracing him into a tight hug, "YES! We're saved!"

Ash hugs her back, "See! What'd I tell ya?"

Serena smiles, playfully punching Ash's shoulder.

The latch opens, a man sends a ladder down the hatch. "Come on up!" the husky voice yells.

Ash turns to Serena, as he bows, gesturing to the ladder. "Ladies first!"

Serena happily nods, as she began to climb the elevator.

"Okay, you're next, young man!" The voice yells.

Ash grabs the rim of the ladder, pulling himself up. He took one last look around the small, confined space. He learned so many thing about Serena here, he didn't vision himself missing an elevator. He climbs, bringing himself up the latch.

They climb back down to the first floor.

Calem embraces Serena into a tight hug. "Oh thank goodness, Serena! You're saved!"

Ash clears his throat. Calem turns to him. "Oh, you too Ash."

Ash rolls his eyes, pulling Serena away from Calem.

"Guys!" A voice yells.

Serena and Ash were embraced into a tight, loving hug.

"Don't you scare us like that, ever again!" Dawn shouts, tightening the hug.

"Yeah! You've got us worried." Gary says.

"U-uh guys? C-can't...breathe." Serena and Ash wheezed.

Gary and Dawn immediately pull away.

"Sorry! We're just glad you're both safe." Gary smiles.

Ash grins and faces Serena, giving her a warm, and loving smile. "Yeah. Me too."


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