Chapter 13 ~ Taking It To The Next Level (DxG)

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"And we're here, Cyllage Beach!" Gary exclaims, flailing his arms around.

Dawn walked behind Gary, the sand tickling her feet within every step.

She took off her jacket, beanie, and snow boots, as Gary did the same.

"Wow! Never really expected it to hot.." Dawn breathes out.

Gary laughs, diving into the water. "See! What did I tell ya?"

Dawn smiles, "Never really expected Gary to be so smart as well." she whispers.

Gary rose from the water, gasping for air. "I heard that! Now come! The water's cool!"

Dawn crosses her arms, "No way! I'm sitting here, getting a tan."

Gary smirks, jumping out off the water. "Okay! You asked for it!"

He ran towards Dawn, picking her up bridal-style.

Dawn blushes by this. "H-Hey! Gary! Put me down this instant!"

Gary throws her into the water. "I think you meant, "Hey Gary! Push me into the water!"

Dawn furiously splashes Gary, "Ohhhh, you're SO gonna get it now!" she exclaims.

Gary swam from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist, "See? Told you we'd be having fun!"

Dawn can't help but giggle, "I guess you're right, Gary."

Gary pulled Dawn out of the water, as they sat on the warm, sand.

Gary sighs, "What a great day."

Dawn giggles, facing towards the ocean. "Yeah, you can say that."

"Hey Dawn." Gary says, facing her.

Dawn turns to him, "Yes?"

Gary sighs, "D-do you like anyone? Anyone specific?" he stutters.

Dawn smiles, turning her attention back to the ocean. "Well. There is this one guy. He's my best friend, and I can rely him on anything."

Gary frowns, "Who?"

Dawn smiles, "I can't say. He might not like me the same way I do."

Gary growls, "Dawn! You're such an amazing girl! ANY guy would be lucky to have you! You're smart, beautiful, humorous, talented...all what I GUY looks for a girl."

Dawn turns back to him, lightly gasping at his response. "Okay. I'll spill."

Gary sighs in relief, "Why, thank you Dawn, I really appre-"

"It's you." Dawn says, avoiding eye contact with him.

Gary grins widely. As Dawn sighs. "It's okay, I-I mean, you probably don't like-"

"I like you too, Dawn." he interrupts, embracing her into a hug.

Dawn gasps, hugging him back, "R-really?" she stutters.

Gary smiles, "Of course. Any guy would want to have you. Including me."

Dawn giggles, sighing in relief.

"Y'know what, Dawn?" Gary asks.

Dawn faces him, raising her brow.

"I think this is the start of something new." he whispers, planting a kiss on his girlfriend's forehead.


Okay, the next chapters will be based on Serena and Ash :)

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