Chapter 25 ~ Oh, What A Winter Wonderland!

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Gary sips his hot cocoa, leaning against the bookshelf.

"Hey! Why does hot cocoa have to be so hot?!" Dawn exclaims, taking a sip from her drink.

Serena silently giggles, placing a hand over Dawn's mouth. "Note to self, NEVER take Dawn to the library." she whispers.

Ash silently groans, "Who knew libraries could be SOO boring?"

Gary sighs, "Serena wanted someone to come with her, I didn't expect she'd take all of us!"

Serena rolls her eyes, as Ash walks over to her.

Serena struggled to reach a book on the shelve. Ash snickers silently, "Heh, shortie."

Serena gives a deathly glare, "Shut it, Ketchum! Now, can you please get me that book up there?"

Ash raises his hands in defense, reaching for a cerulean blue book that once sat on the top shelve.

Ash raises a brow, "Romance? Never knew you were interested in this kind of stuff." he whispers before smirking.

Gary chuckles, "That's before she met Ashy-Boy!" he teasingly says.

Serena fumes, slapping Gary's shoulder. "Oh, shut up Gary!" she shouts, causing a few glares from students at the library.

Dawn snickers, "Who's loud now, Serena?" She loudly whispers.

Ash hands the book to Serena, before sitting himself down on the sofa.

"Can we do something else, Sere? I'm bored!" Ash pouts.

Gary crosses his arms, "Me too, Ashy!" he pouts.

Dawn squeals, "AWE, PALLETSHIP-"

"SHHH!" whispers the librarian.

Dawn gives an apologetic look, "Sorry, ma'am! Sheesh, can't say the word without being interrupted...Pallet-"

"Shut it, Dawn!" Gary silently exclaims.

Dawn groans, "See what I mean?!"

Serena sighs, "Fine. We can go to the ice skating park in Shalour. RIGHT after I check these books out."

"YAY!" Ash, Gary, and Dawn silently cheer in unison.

Serena mentally facepalms herself, "I swear to God! I'm a mom of three annoyingly unusual kids."


Meanwhile, at the local Shalour Ice Skating Park.....

Gary slips into his hot pink ice skating shoes, looking satisfied with what he was wearing.

Ash sighs, "Gary, those are the most, absolutely, gayest things I've ever seen." he chuckles.

Gary's pouts, "Says the guy who has unicorn briefs in possession!"

Ash grunts, "Hey!"

Dawn grins widely, "Pallet-!"

"Let's go that ice rink!" Serena briefly interrupts, pointing in the distance.

"Awe, man! So close!" Dawn complains.

Serena sticks her tongue out at her bluenette friend, "I did that on purpose!" she happily exclaims.


Gary slid across the ice gracefully, "H-Hey! I'm doing, it, I-I'm!"


Dawn giggles, and skid towards her boyfriend.

"What an idiot." she murmurs under her breath, appalled by her boyfriend's idiocy.

Gary pouts, "Hey! Who're callin' an idiot?" he complains, standing himself up.

Dawn let's out a chuckle, "You'll get the hang of it! It usually takes time for beginners! Serena and Ash aren't really professionals either." she says, pointing at their friends.


Serena grasped onto the rail, in hope that she wouldn't fall. Ash was behind her, attempting to skate his way forward.

"I think if you'll stand like'll get in balance." She briefly states.

"U-uh, I think I've got the hand of it. H-hey! I'm ice skat-"


Serena lightly gasps, as Ash groans.

"I'm never gonna get this!" he complains, his face down on the ice.

Serena helps him up, as she intertwined her hands with his. "I can be your's not that hard- woop!" Serena falls backwards, losing balance, she pulls Ash with her, their faces only centimeters apart.

"I'm such a klutz." she mutters, their hands still intertwined.

Ash stayed silent, as he scanned her face, keeping his eyes glued on Serena's lips.

"Aweeee!" Dawn exclaims, ruining the moment.

"Kiss her, dimwit!" Gary mouths. Ash starts to feel a tiny OF pink spread across his face.

Ash looks at Gary, then at Serena, then at Dawn, then at Serena.

Serena awkwardly nods, "U-uh, I think I should be heading home." she nonchalantly says.

Ash snaps out of this thoughts, "O-Oh! Sorry Sere." He stands up, pulling Serena up a bit too hard.

They both fall again, only this time, Serena laid on top of Ash.

"See? This is Kalos telling you to just freakin' kiss already!" Dawn irritatingly exclaims.

Ash chuckles, looking into Serena's eyes. "Oh, what the heck!"

He quickly leans in, planting a kiss on Serena's soft, strawberry flavored lips.

Serena pulled back, a scarlet red blush spread throughout her cheeks.

Ash sighs, "I'd stay like this forever if I'd want to're kind of...crushing my balls" he whispers.

Serena jolts, jumping off of him, helping Ash up. She smiles, "Well, I had fun you guys." She skates her way out of the rink, as Ash follows from behind. He gently wraps his hand around her wrist, and spun her around.

"Do you can, stay at my place...for the night?" he nervously asks.

"We need to talk."


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