Chapter 31 ~ Affection.

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Ash, Serena, Gary and Dawn are currently at Shalour Park, along with their Pokémon.

Serena sat by a tree, alone. Dawn played with Piplup, as Gary and Ash had a battle.

It had been three months ever since Pokémon came to the world, but besides that, nothing hadn't really changed.

Serena looked at the raven-haired boy, puzzled by how much he matured. He was no longer the "flirt". In fact, he was somewhat more. He's caring, loving, passionate, friendly, desirable, happy-go-lucky, confident...and the list. continues. Although, he was still very dense.

She smiles towards her crush. Ash notices this, and gives her a wink. Ash became more stronger in battles. Pikachu always stood on Ash's shoulder, he never liked his Pokéball. He caught a Hawlucha, and a Fletchling, who recently evolved into a Fletchinder.

Although, there was one thing that changed.

Serena's feeling for Ash.

She no longer liked him. No, she doesn't.

In fact, she loves him.

Serena Yvonne loves Ash Ketchum.

Besides her feelings for Ash, she had another thing in her mind.

Her dream of becoming a Performer.

Not just a Performer, but a Pokémon Performer. Pokémon Showcases are much like regular Showcases, the only difference is that Pokémon are included.


Her mother became an expert at Rhyhorn Racing, and she wants Serena to follow her footsteps. She didn't know what to do.

Dawn decided to become a Pokémon Coordinator, and Ash, a Pokémon Master.

She turned back to Ash and Gary. Ash obviously won the battle, he wasn't cheering for nothing. Gary, on the other hand looked disappointed.

Serena sighs, and looks up at the cerulean-blue sky, attempting to rid of her situations.


Ash, from afar stares at the honey-blonde in deep thought. He saw her confusion, her pain. And he wanted to help. He knew exactly what was troubling her. He walks over to his crush, and kept of note of what he'd do to cheer her up.

"What's on your mind, sensei?" he politely asks, as Pikachu jumps on Ash's shoulder.

Serena sighs in reply, and takes Fennekin out of her Pokéball.

"Fen?" Fennekin asks her trainer worriedly.

Serena gently strokes her fur, giving her a reassuring smile.

Ash smiles at this, "Hey Serena, how about a battle?"

Serena blushes, and blinks a couple times. "Ash, I saw how you beat Gary back there. There's no way I'm going to win."

Ash stands up, and lends out his a hand. "A battle isn't about winning, nor losing. It's about the lesson. What you learn about it. So, how bout it?"

Serena happily takes his hand, as he pulls her up. "Okay, fine. But who'll be the referee?" Serena asks.

"No referee. Just us." he replies.

They walk over to a battlefield near the park. As Serena, and Ash take out their Pokéball(s).

"This is a 1-1 battle!" Ash shouts from the other side.

Serena nods, taking Fennekin out of her Pokéball.

"Fen, Fennekin!" Fennekin determinedly exclaims.

"Of course, Fennekin." Ash mutters. "Well in that case, Pikachu, I choose you!" He exclaims, as Pikachu hops over to the battlefield.

Serena smirks, "Alright Fennekin, start this off with Flamethrower!"

Ash smiles, pumping a fist in the air. "Alright buddy, block it with Iron Tail!"

"Fennekin, use Ember on yourself!" Serena yells.

Ash gasps, and realizing what Serena did, was a very good move set. Fennekin was trapped into a fiery vortex. It won't hurt her, since she's a Fire-Type.

"Okay Fennekin, you're doing great! Now, leap up high, and use Flamethrower, once more!"

Ash smiles, "Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!"

The two moves clash, creating a cloud of smoke. The smoke starts to dissipate, and to the Trainers' surprise, Fennekin, and Pikachu still stood.

Ash chuckles, "Okay, let's stop here."

Serena tilts her head in confusion. "What's up, Ash?"

Ash adjusts his hat, and walks over to Serena. "You, and Fennekin have a really strong bond. It's obvious that you two have been training a lot."

Serena nods, "Where is this going, Ash?"

Ash grins, "What I'm saying is, is that you two work well together. The move set you did back wasn't only clever, but very beautiful. Fennekin moved gracefully during the battle, and so did you, Serena."

Serena blushes, tucking her short hair behind her hair.

Ash grasps his hands on Serena's hands, a tiny of pink began to slowly creep its way up Ash's cheeks.

"Serena. Tell me. Do you want to be a Rhyhorm Racer, like Grace? Or, a Pokémon Performer. Look, Sere. You don't have to follow your mother's dreams, just because it'll make her happy. Do what YOU think is right."

He pauses, giving Serena some time to take it all in.

"Remember what we're doing over the summer, Serena?"

Serena nods, "We're going to start a journey."

Ash laughs, "A Pokémon journey. Serena, we'll accomplish our dreams together. We'll travel different regions, different towns, different cities. And in the end, we'll do it together. You, me, Gary and Dawn. All four of us."

Serena lightly gasps at Ash, and his inspirational words. After all, this was Ash. No surprise there.

Ash takes out a velvet, trinket out from his pocket. He opens the trinket, revealing two identical rings. Each had several diamonds engraved.

Ash takes the smaller ring out, and slips it on Serena's finger.

"Serena. I promise many things. And I always manage to keep them. This ring, is a symbol of our friendship, and all the promises we made for each other." he whispers.

Serena takes the other ring, and slips it onto his. "Oh Ash, what would I do without you?" she says, playfully slapping his arm.

He brings the honey-blonde closer, wrapping his arms around her waist. "The question is...what would I do without you."

Serena pouts, "You're such a flirt, Ketchum."

"Yeah, but I'm only a flirt around you." he mischievously smiles.

"AWEEE!" Dawn says, as Gary places a hand over his girlfriend's mouth.

"Dawn! You just ruined the moment." Gary complained, as his Squirtle nodded in agreement.

Ash laughs, and turns to Serena. "It's alright guys, you weren't ruining anything."


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