Chapter 26 ~ A Night At Ash's!

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"A-at your place?" Serena stutters, blushing varieties of red.

Ash nods, as he bit his lip, "Your mom wouldn't mind, I texted her a while back and-"

"YOU TEXTED MY MOTHER!?" Serena blurts.

Ash shrugs, "Yeah, we exchanged numbers a couple days ago."

"W-well, if it's okay with my mother...then okay." Serena says, a bit flustered.

Dawn giggles, "Well! We'll leave you guys to it. In the meantime, Gary and I are gonna hit the coffee shops before going home."

Gary wraps his arm around Dawn's waist, "You two take care, and aye! No funny business." he remarks, winking at the two.

Ash winks at Gary, "Oh, I'll try my best." he says flirtatiously.

Serena rolls her eyes, as Gary and Dawn walk off in the distance.

Ash smiles, "Shall we go, Serena?" he asks politely.

Serena grins, "Alright, let's go."

Ash smirks, attempting to intertwine Serena's hand with his. "And maybe, we can-"


Serena slaps Ash's hand away, "You're pushing your luck, Ketchum."

The heartthrob pouts at his failed attempt. "Well, it was worth a try."


Serena and Ash awkwardly walk into Ash's home, as a smug grin began to creep it's way up Ash's mouth.

"Hey, you know what we can do?" he asks casually.

Serena shrugs, sitting herself on Ash's massive sofa. "What do you have in mind?"

Ash smirks, taking out a microphone from behind him, "Karaoke!"

Serena raises a brow, "Is this what you do with the other girls that came over?" she snaps, avoiding eye-contact.

Ash shakes his head, "No, never! None of them will have sweet, angelic voice you have." he says, mischievously smiling.

Serena blushes, embarrassed by how she sang last time.

"Oh, NO, NO, NO!" she protests.

Ash pouts once again, "C'mon! You did great up there. If that's what you were thinking." he remarks.

Serena lightly gasps, "Gary's right. You really are a mind reader."

Ash mentally facepalms. "One, I've never heard "Gary" and "right" in the same sentence before, and two, yes. Yes , I am."

Serena nervously plays with the blue ribbon, and locket Ash had given her. "I don't know, Ash..."

Ash kneels so that they would be at eye level. He smirks, holding the ribbon, and locket in his hand.

"Please Serena? C'mon, it's not like anyone's going to see us. It's just you and me."

Serena'a heart skips a beat.

Just her and Ash.

She never realized that...

Her and Ash,

Were alone.

Just them.

Serena smiles, deciding to take advantage of it, "Oh, fine. What the heck!" she exclaims.

Ash triumphantly fist pumps the air, "Okay! Which song?"

Serena giggles, "Let's text Gary and Dawn, see what they think!" she suggests.

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