Chapter 11 ~ A Date in Coumarine City!

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Serena and Ash were on their way to Coumarine City, for their date.

Ash chuckles, placing his hands on Serena's eyes.

Serena giggles, "Ash? What're you doing?"

Ash smirks, as he whispered, his breath fanning against his cheek. "It's a surprise, Blondie."

Serena sighs, "Of course it is. I'm not sure whether or not it's a good or bad surprise."

Ash rolls his eyes, although he knows she can't see him. "You never learn to shut up, huh? Just wait till we get there."

Serena pouts, crossing her arm over the other, "Fine. Just make sure I don't crash into anything, or you're really getting it, Ketchum."

Ash teasingly smiles, "What? Sex?"

Serena lightly gasps, playfully slapping the heartthrob.

"Okay. You can look now." Ash says, taking his hands off of Serena's eyes.

She grins widely, admiring what she saw. They were on the peak of a hill. There sat a picnic blanket, along with vanilla scented candles, and lights hung among them. And unfortunately, it wasn't snowing.

Serena took a step forward, admiring the scenery. The sun started to rise over the horizon, as the cold ocean waves crashed against the jagged rocks. This was quite satisfying, and pleasing for Serena Yvonne.

She turned to face Ash, a wide grin spread across her beautiful face. "One, Oh Ash! I love it! And two, *SLAP*!

Ash groans in pain, rubbing the arm that Serena slapped. "What was that for!? You don't do that to a guy that stayed up for five freakin' hours just to prepare all of this." he pouts.

Serena giggles, "Well, its become a habit of mine. Slapping you all the dang time is now in my nature."

Ash pouts, "That's not fair!" he exclaims.

Serena grabs his wrist, "Enough of that, let's have some fun!"

Ash follows her toward the picnic blanket, "What kind of fun?" he says, smirking.

Serena frowns, slapping his shoulder, "Clean that dirty mind of yours, Ketchum!"

Ash teasingly laughs, "Oh, who said I was thinking dirty, Ms. Yvonne?"

Serena rolls her eyes, but she can't help but smile. Today will be a great day.

They sat on the blanket, enjoying the view.

"This view is breathtaking, Ash. How did you manage to find this place?" Serena curiously asks, admiring the view.

Ash leans back, laying down. "Well. I know a guy."

Serena lays back as well, facing the raven-haired boy. She raises her brow, "Gary?"

Ash sighs in defeat, "Agh, you caught me."

Serena giggles, looking up into the cerulean, blue sky. "Look up there!" she exclaims, pointing up.

Ash looks into the direction Serena was pointing. He chuckles, "It's a heart."

Serena smiles, "Yeah. There're more too!"

Her voice became inaudible. The world stopped revolving. Ash can't help but to stare at the honey-blonde. He admired everything about her. Her beauty, her personality, her kindness. It was all so attractive.  Serena was surely the first, real, crush Ash had ever had. She was unlike so many girls.

Serena turned to face Ash, taking her eyes off the sky. She blushes, noticing that Ash had been staring. "Uh, Ash? Are you okay?"

Ash kept his eyes on hers, "You're really beautiful.." he mutters.

Serena blushes a scarlet red, "H-h-huh!?" she exclaims, trying to hide her blush.

Ash shakes his head,  scratching his left cheek, "Oops, I think I spaced out."

Serena smiles, "Thanks for getting me out of the house. I can't believe that I'd miss all of this if you haven't forced me to go out with you."

Ash smirks, "You're welcome Serena. You are welcome."

Serena's phone rings. She sits up, answering her call.

"What? Really? Okay...I'll be home soon." she says, as her face fell.

Ash sits up as well, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Is everything okay?" he asks in concern.

Serena smiles, "Everything's fine! My mom needs me home now. She needs help with stuff around the house. I'm just upset that this date has to end so early." she says, her voice cracking.

Ash smiles, embracing her into a hug, "It's alright, Sere." he cooed, stroking her hair.

"We can always have another date! I mean, if you'll let me." he smirks.

Serena smiles, "Okay, Ash." she whispers. "Of course I will."

Ash helps Serena up, "C'mon, lets walk you home."


Serena and Ash are now standing on her doorstep, in Vaniville City. Snow fell from the sky, as silence surrounded them.

"So. See you in school?" Serena says, tucking a lock of her short hair behind her ear.

Ash smirks, "Only if you're there."

Serena playfully, yet gently slaps his cheeks. "Alright then, have a good day."

She enters her home, as Ash grabs her wrist, bringing her closer.

Their faces are close. Too close. Their breath fanning over the other. Ash leans in, closing his eyes. As Serena does the same.

They both share a passionate kiss. A kiss that was unlike any other before. One that shall not be forgotten.

They both release, gasping for air.

Serena grins, the butterflies swirling around the pit of her stomach, bursting to get out.

Ash smiles back, as he takes a few steps back. He bit his lip, digging his hands into his pockets, seeking for warmth. "I'll see ya, okay?" he whispers.

Serena nods, "Monday."

Ash smiles, "Monday."

And with that, he leaves.

"Today was a great day." they both


Every couple
Needs to at least
Have that one, great date

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