Chapter 24 ~ Melancholy.

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Days had past by ever since Serena's party. And she hasn't been herself since then.

Her friends would perpetually text her, call her, even come over uninvited.

Everyone except Ash.

She'd choke back her tears, knowing that Ash, Gary and Dawn weren't worth them.

Serena felt depressed, lonely, terrified, and most of all...


Serena sat alone throughout lunch, and she'd always feel three pairs of eyes, attempting to stare into hers. But Serena didn't even bother to look up from her cold, hard, food.

Serena cherished the sweet and sober moments she's spent so far with Ash. But the question is, "Does he cherish them too?"

She was in love, but he was not.

Serena would think that he'll always be a dense boy, too dense to fall in love with the honey-blonde.

Weeks after, Serena noticed that Ash got back into the habit of flirting with girls.

What did Serena expect?

After all, he was just a playboy. It was his job. It always was.

She watched Ash compliment girls, take them out on dates, boy, he'd even take them home.

Meanwhile, things between Gary and Dawn weren't so great either. Rumor has it that they temporarily separated.

Serena watched Gary and Dawn make new friends. New friends that were much better than Serena.


Serena now sat at the Shalour Park. The same park where Ash made his promise, and where Serena made hers.

Serena clutches the gold locket, holding it close to her heart.

She had lost Ash.

She had lost Dawn.

She had lost Gary.

All she had now, were memories.

She choked back her tears, letting tiny snowflakes fall on her short, honey-blonde hair.

"Hey." three voices say simultaneously, making Serena snap out of her thoughts.

Serena spun around, as she was face to face with Ash, Gary, and Dawn.

Serena spun around again, avoiding eye-contact. "Why are you here?" Her voice cracked.

"Serena. We want to help you." Gary nonchalantly says.

"Well, isn't it a bit too late now? It's snowing, you should go back to your new friends, and complain about it." Serena snapped back.

Dawn sat next to the open space on the park bench, facing her honey-blonde friend. "Serena, we're sorry about that."

"Oh, and you thought meeting new people will make me feel better? Wow. It's totally helping me now." Serena fumes, clenching her fists.

Gary sat next to Serena as well, rubbing her back. "Serena. Please, what's wrong?" he pleads.

Serena let in, "I'm just. A bit sad, I guess." she whispers.

Dawn sighs, "Why? Would you care to tell us?"

"It's because of me, isn't it?" Ash interrupts, walking over to Serena.

Serena didn't reply, she grasped her hands together, keeping silent.

"Wow, is Ash a mind-reader or what?" Gary silently whispers.

Ash kneels so he'd be facing Serena. He took her hands, intertwining it with his. Serena didn't even hesitate. She tightened the grip, a smile slowly starting to creep her way up her mouth.

"To be honest with you, we weren't feeling the happiest either." Ash mumbles.

Serena raises a brow, "You looked perfectly fine with all those girls.." Serena scoffed.

Ash shook his head, "Not really. Serena, don't you see? I tried for many weeks, I tried looking for someone like you. Never have I seen another sarcastic, kind, compassionate, beautiful honey-blonde, again. Then I realized, heck! There's only you. No other girl can be, well, you. And it's you I want."

Dawn places a hand on her shoulder, "We are so sorry, Serena." she pokes Serena's locket, "We'll be here. Forever, no matter what.

Gary sniffles, choking back his tears, "We're a team. And we'll stay that way."

Ash chuckles, still holding onto her hands, "Remember that promise I made, Serena?"

Serena nods, "I remember your words exactly."

Ash grins, "I promise to love you forever."

Serena attempts to hide her blush, as Dawn giggles.

Ash brings her chin up, and pecks her cheek. "Serena, I keep my promises. Mainly for you. You changed me, you've made me the happiest teenager there is. There's no way I'm letting you go."

Gary smiles, "I'm not letting you go either, Serena."

Dawn chuckles, wiping her tears away from her cheek. "Neither will I."

Serena  embraces her friends into a huge, loving hug.  "I'm not letting you guys go either...literally!"

Serena let her tears stream down her pale skin. Her friends were worth her tears after all. The four stayed there, in each other's arms.

Not a care in the world.


Hard times, will always reveal true friends.

You can throw multiple challenges at Ash, Serena, Dawn, and Gary, but they'll always dodge them.


Their bond is stronger than the navigational pull between the solar system.

Heck, their love can blow up the entire Kalos Region.

Let this be a lesson to you all.

Fake friends are much like shadows.

They constantly follow you in the sun...

But they leave you, in the dark.

Find yourself some true friends.

Friends whom you can trust.

Friends whom you can share dark secrets with.

Friends that'll be by your side, every step of the way.


I decided to write a much different chapter. This chapter was inspired by my own personal experience. Yes, I have two friends that I love dearly. One day, we had our downfall. I was depressed, I wouldn't eat for hours. Dang, I refused to shower! One day, I sat at the park where my friends and I first met. They found me there, and we had a talk. We promised to stick to each other, even through the most hardest of times.
I hope you all find true friends. And if you did, I applaud you. Friends are like your most prized possession.

Please. NEVER let them go.


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