Chapter 20 ~ Never Give Up Till The Very End...Remember?

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The crowd roars.

Tension rises.

"Now, time for the Freestyle Performance!" Monsieur Pierre yells. "At the end of each performance, YOU must vote. YOU are the judges. First off, contestant, Serena!"

The crowd roars, as a certain honey-blonde appears on stage.

She looked absolutely elegant.

She wore a red, long, graceful dress, with a black hem. A red bow on her chest, black leggings, black choker, red heels, and finally, teal earrings, along with a mint-blue beaded headband, topped with a tiny, pink bow.

In Ash's eyes, she was gorgeous, she always has been.

Serena waves to the crowd, a flashing smile plastered on her face.

She walked on stage, and twirled elegantly on stage. She did a few leaps, and brought her leg up from behind. Her choreography was perfect. Everything went well.

Until it happened.

She twirled once more. unaware of the loose ribbon hanging from her long dress. Dawn had noticed this.

Dawn waved her hands up in the air, trying to let Serena know about the loose ribbon.

Serena saw, but she didn't know what he was pointing at, so, she continued her dance.

Gary worriedly shakes Dawn, "D-Dawn? What's the matter?"

Dawn panics, "The loose ribbon, shell trip!" she exclaims, pointing at the black hem.

Ash's eyes widens, "Serena! Watch out!" he yells, as the crowd turn their attention at him.

Serena raises a brow, a takes a step forward. She falls forward, over the loose, black ribbon.


She fell forwards, her face down. The hem of her long dress ripped off, along with the bow that once laid on her chest. The beads of her headband broke off from it's string, scattering the stage.

Serena heard snickers from behind.

"Wow!" Lillie breathes out. "I thought I'd do worse, but I guess I was wrong."

Serena turned away, and faced the crowd. Concern, disappointment, plastered on their shocked faces.

Serena felt hot tears sink down her face. Her worst nightmare came true. She immediately stood herself up, and ran backstage.

Ash felt his heard pound. He felt sorrowful towards his friend. "C'mon guys!" he says, gesturing to Gary, and Dawn.


The trio walk backstage, only to be stopped by a woman.

"Sorry, only Performers are allowed backstage." the woman calls out, bringing a hand up on Ash's face.

"W-we're friends of Serena. Serena Yvonne! Please, let us see her."

The woman nods, "Alright then, only one of you can go, though."

Ash faces Gary and Dawn.

Dawn smiles, placing a reassuring hand on Ash's shoulder. "She needs you, Ash."

Gary grins, "Go, buddy. We'll wait for you after the Showcase is over."

Ash quickly hugs his friends, thanking them. "Okay then, see you soon.

Ash faces the woman, "I'll go." he says.

The woman gestures him, to a door down the hall.

Ash takes a deep breath, laying his hand on the handle.

He opens the door, very slowly. Revealing a tired, sad, Serena.

Serena lifts her head from her legs, wiping the tears off her face.

"A-Ash? W-why're you here? Can't you see I'm busy?" she stutters.

Ash walks closer towards the honey-blonde, locking the door behind him. "Serena, are you okay?" he worriedly asks.

Serena glares at him with her red, puffy eyes. "Yes, Ash. I just made a fool out of myself, and I have never been better." she hisses.

Ash takes a step back, "Serena, let me help you..." he nonchalantly says, sitting next to her.

Serena's face fell, "Ash, there's nothing you can do. Can't you see? This is the universe telling me that I should just give up on my dream. It's all over, Ash." she whispers.

"No, it isn't!" Ash hisses.

Serena was taken aback by his sudden anger.

"Serena. This isn't you. My Serena would never give up. Never give up until the very end!" he quietly exclaims.

Serena calms down, as she stares into his hazel, brown eyes.

He looks away from her gaze, "The Serena I love... isn't you right now."

Serena lightly gasps, "Ash lik-loves me?"

Ash looks back at Serena. "Come back. Please." he pleads.

Serena smiles, playfully slapping his shoulder. "Stop it, Ash."

Ash grins widely, pulling her into a small hug. "There she is."

Ash lifts her chin, "Serena. This isn't the end. Learn from your mistakes, then do better the next time. And I'll be right here, cheering you on."

Serena blinks a couple times, and nodded.

Ash smiles, leaning in-

"HA! I won the Showcase, Serena!" a voice yells from behind the two.

Ash turns back, revealing Lillie, a Princess Key clasped in her hand.

"Ooh! Who's the hottie, Serena? If I can steal the Showcase, might as well steal your little boyfriend too."

Serena furiously stands up, "Get out, Lillie!"

Lillie rolls her eyes in annoyance, "Oh puh-lease! C'mon hottie, no one wants to be with a failure, is that right, Serena?"

"She's NOT a failure!" Ash fumes, clenching his fists.

Lillie bites her lip, "So, the hot-bod talks."

Ash scoffs, "Stop acting like you're hot, it ain't working. Leave Serena alone! I think she did great! She just made a mistake. She'll do better next time, you'll see. You'll fucking see." Ash hisses.

Lillie takes a step back, "Whatever." she mumbles, storming out the room.

Ash turns to Serena, a wide grin spread across her face.

"Y'know Ash, you didn't really have to do that." Serena giggles.

Ash wraps his arms around her waist, "Never." He bumps his forehead against hers, his warm breath fanning against her nose. "I'll never stop defending you...but, I'll always keep believing in you." he whispers.


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