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Patrick's POV

Petes waiting at our normal table when I get to breakfast and he gives me his tiny beautiful smile. I take his hand and sit next to him quickly telling him "I didn't get in trouble don't worry, she just told me to take care of you and take care of myself"

It's only cereal for breakfast so I eat mine and feed Pete with my spoon whenever he looks like he wants to stop eating. He's gotten so good and I'm really proud of him that he is letting me feed him and he's willing to eat when he needs to.

In the afternoon I hang around his room until he gets back from therapy with a letter. He comes to sit on his bed with me as Spongebob plays in the background and plays with it nervously. Finally he rips it open and hands me the letter shakily "Please read the first sentence for me, just tell me what it is"

I don't know if I should but I open it as Pete clings to my arm tightly and read it out to him " 'To Mr Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III. As you know you have recently provided new testimony against your father-'". I break off reading when Pete sobs and shakes his head frantically.

That's what I thought the letter would be but I really hoped it wouldn't be for his sake. When Pete collects himself he nods again and I continue reading "'As you know you have recently provided new testimony against your father - Mr Peter Wentz II - and in light of this new information we have scheduled the court trial for October 20th at 10am. Because you have been legally placed at Greys Mental Institution for the last 2 years your therapist - Dr Hayley Williams - will confirm whether you can attended the decided time and date. You will be providing the new testimony the police were provided with leading to the arrest of your father. The case of your previous partner - Mr Jason Sam Highlands - and evidence previously shown will also be reevaluated after these new facts. More information will arrive soon regarding the trial once Dr Hayley Williams has been in contact'"

Pete whimpers and clings frantically onto my arm, shaking his head and attempting to hide himself under my arm. It's so sad how scared he gets but I can't touch him too much right now. He's already terrified and probably reliving the horrible experiences he's had so it's not the time to be pushing him.

I hold him close and rub his back the way whisper to him "You'll be ok darling I promise, I won't let anyone hurt you". Pete shakes his head again and burrows his way under the blankets to completely cover himself "I'll have to go, I'll have to see them again, I'll never get them out of my head"

He's been getting better lately but this seems to have just thrown everything out of balance. Being reminded of the worst people in his life and knowing he'll have to face them again isn't good at all.

Even with me doing everything I can Pete's still panicking so I do everything I can think of to try to calm him down. "I'll be there for you Pete it'll be ok, I'll beg Dr Williams until she lets me come with you. If you want me to I'll argue every second for it. It'll be so traumatising to see those shits again, you should be allowed to have whatever and whoever you need"

He slowly comes out from under the covers and slips his hand around my waist "I want you there but I don't want you hearing me talk about this. You shouldn't hear the horrible stuff, I don't want you knowing what they did"

I can totally see why he wouldn't want me there but it doesn't make me want it any less. I can block my ears and wait in the hall if he wants me to but he shouldn't have to face this alone.

After reassuring Pete a few times that I want to be there for him he grudgingly agrees to talk to Dr Williams about it. She might not allow it but at least he knows I want to support him.

Pete spends a long time cuddling me then finally pulls away and throws the letter on the floor then moves to straddle my lap. He gives me a little smile and runs his thumb over my lips "We got interrupted last night so you wanna continue?"

Every part of me screams that I do but I have to push him back. I've been trying to hard to make this a healthy relationship and I don't think this will help it. Pete doesn't seem to like that though so I run a hand through his hair "Sweetheart this isn't a good time, this isn't a relationship made of desperation, don't do this to yourself"

As much as I do want to kiss him and want nothing more then to explore that beautiful mouth I'm not going to do it. Our first time should be special, not when he's upset and terrified about the trial. He deserves something special and romantic, not something he just uses to make himself feel better. I don't want him to regret anything and his first proper kiss with someone who treats him right won't be like this. He needs to feel protected but not in this sexual way.

Pete starts to argue and insist he wants it but I just shake my head "Please move Pete, I'll make you feel safe another way but I don't think you want this"

That makes tears well up in Pete's eyes as he stutters out "B-but you... You said you wanted to kiss me". I reach for his hand but quickly snatch it back when Pete finches away. "I do want to kiss you, I would have done it last night if we weren't interrupted but not right now. This is romantic, not something you do because you need something. I'm going to look after you so you don't need to use kissing me to try to buy my love or my protection. If you need something I'll do it for you, you don't have to do something that could trigger you to get it"

Pete gets off me quickly and backs away but I reach out for him and feel terrible about upsetting him. I hate having to do anything that hurts him but I think this will hurt him the least in the end. I know getting turned down like this hurts like hell but I don't want him to use something like this in desperation.

After I hold my hand out for a while Pete reaches out to take it so I pull him back down while a tear falls down his cheek. Knowing I'm the cause of his tears is the worst thing in the world and I wish I could change things. I still think I made the right choice but that doesn't mean I actually like it.

When Pete curls into my chest again I hold him close until he says "I'm sorry, I'm so messed up and you have to even come to court with me because of my fuck ups. I can't even give you anything in return, why are you with me?"

Pete's insecurities are something I hate so much and I wish I knew how to get rid of them. He's the most amazing boy I know and he shouldn't be feeling this terrible, he only deserves good thoughts.

I whisper that I love him and Pete whispers it back then we both giggle and cuddle closer. Pete lies his head on my chest, listening to my heart beat, while I draw patterns along his back.

As the ending credits of the forgotten Spongebob episode play Pete looks up and I kiss his forehead "I will protect you no matter what and even if I can't you're stronger then you'll ever know"

We stay there hugging and enjoying each other until Ryan comes with pills for Pete. I have to leave him there with another forehead kiss and a whisper of how much I love him.

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