Chapter 2

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School was finally over, and now I can go out and window shop. So-Yeon grabbed my arm, "Mi-Na where are we going?", she smiled.

"Shopping", I smiled back.

So-Yeon gave me a frown, "I want to go eat first, I'm hungry", she whined like a baby.

"I'm not hungry tho", I reply.

"But I am", she kept whining.

"Alright, alright...we can go eat first", I reply, "But where?"

We both stop to think, "Oh...I want to go to that new restaurant that just open yesterday", So-Yeon starts to jump up and down, "I heard that its really good. Its a western restaurant."

Even though I don't like western food as much, I decided to go anyways since So-Yeon recommend it.

Its a good thing the restaurant wasn't that far from the shopping area. I didn't want to walk far, even though I have my bike with me. The restaurant was design so beautiful. Inside had these beautiful mix roses in the middle of each table, with pale white plates and a swan folded napkin in the middle of the plate. We chose the table next to the windows, since I love to look out at the street as people walked back and forth. That helps inspired me with my drawing. On the other hand, So-Yeon doesn't like to eat near the window because she doesn't like people watching her eat. I have to admit she eats like a pig, without any manners sometime, but for the sake of me we decided to eat next to the windows.

A waitress came with the menu. She looked so beautiful, like an actress in those drama I watched ever night, "Hello, I'll be your waitress today. What would you girls like to drink?", she asked.

I reply, "I'll just have glass of water".

Then So-Yeon answered, "Can I get a ice green tea coffee"

The beautiful waitress wrote them down, "Sure. I'll go get your drinks. Here's the menu, please take your time to see what you would like to eat", she smiled and left.

After we got our drinks and order our food, I saw J-hope, Jimin, and Rapmoster out in the street walking. They spotted us, J-hope pointing his finger at us. I waved my hand to say 'hi', they waved back. J-hope then pushed Rapmonster and Jimin with him and enter the restaurant. They came rushing toward us, "Can we join you two?", asked J-hope as he tried to catch his breath.

So-Yeon looked at me and reply, "Sure".

Since we were all going to eat together, we moved to a bigger table, away from the window. I was a bit mad, but at the same time I didn't mind since we were all eating together.

To start the meal, for appetizer we all order, huzard salad. For our main-course, I order Lemon Butter Red Snapper Fillet, So-Yeon order Fuseli Pasta in Italian Sauce, J-hope order Spaghetti Bolognese, RM order Blackberry Chicken, and lastly Jimin order the Morrocan Fish. We ate our food as we discussed about the group project that we'll be doing in class.

"It would suck if I was partner up with Yoongi", said J-hope as he stuffed his face with food.

"Why would you say that?", I asked, "I thought he was smart. Just let him do all the work".

"You would think that wouldn't you", laughed J-hope, "Last year, a student was partner up with him and he eventually got a F, but Yoongi got an A".

"What? How's that even possible?", I asked.

"We don't know, but all I heard was that his parents bribed the school and teacher for his good grades", whispered Jimin.

We all looked at each other in silence, "That's awful", I said, "What a family...the parents are awful and so is the child".

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