Chapter 18

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Yoongi still look the same as before, he hasn't change one bit. Without blinking, he stared at me and I stare back at him. I don't know what's going through his mind, but I'm happy to see him. This felt surreal, it felt like a dream. But in my dream Yoongi was happy, he smile, he laugh yet in reality he stare with anger in his eyes. He took one step forward, I took one step backward. I began to have mix feeling, I was happy yet scared and sad. I don't know how to feel anymore. Should I run away or should I approach him, everything is disconnected.

At one point I could bare to look at him. I would stare to the ground and then stare back at him, yet he didn't even blink, taking two more step forward, I then took two step backward. What is he up to? Why is he doing this? I pause thinking to myself, "Say something...anything. Why are you so quiet Mi-na, say something?".

"H-how have you been?", I mumbled the words out.

Yoongi pace quickly toward me that I didn't have the sense to move, he grabbed my wrist and began to walked fast. I couldn't catch up to his fast walking, I kept stumbling for each step he took, "Where are you taking me?", I yelled, "Let go....let go", I said as I tried to release myself, but it was useless, his grip was too strong. He help tightly to my wrist to a point were I felt pain, "Yoongi your hurting me...let go".

He didn't say a single word, but kept walking faster and faster. I tried to keep up, but I could, I stumble on my own foot which led me to fall to the ground. One hand on the ground and the in his, Yoongi turned around, release his hand from mine. But yet he stood there and stare. His stare was like no other stare. His eyes were dark and vivid in color, he made a fist with both of his hand, angrily breathing. I could hear him breath in and out, I would not dare to say a word. I didn't want to anger him more than he already is.

At this point, I wished I didn't bump into him. Its seem that Yoongi was not happy to see me, but why. Why would he not want to see me, what did I do so wrong? I know that I confess to him before I left, but there's no need for the cold shoulders. I should be the one to give him the cold shoulder for the rejection, yet I was more than happy to meet him.

I could tell he calmed himself down, when he released his fist, slowly wiggling his fingers, yet I was afraid to look up at him or speak. And then he spoke, "Why did you come back?".

His voice shook me by surprise. I couldn't answer him back. Just hearing his voice I felt a relief that his talking to me. I carefully spoke, "I...I...came back because my mom got a job here".

He knelt down to my level, at this point I was still on the floor with a scrape on my knee. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I'm standing there with Yoongi holding my hand, he took off his grey cardigan, wrapped it around my scrape knee. "You didn't have to. I'm okay", I deny.

"Stay still", he utter as he tie a knot.

"But, it'll get your cardigan dirty", I explain.

Yoongi didn't respond back, instead he lean forward were our eyes met and are nose barely touching, he then grabbed my waist and hook his arm under my knee carrying me like how Jungkook carried So-yeon. I wrapped my hand around his neck as he carried me, "W-what are you doing? I can still walk", I mumble.

Yet he didn't respond again, he stared at me with his angry eyes, which led me to shut my mouth. I squeezed my lips together, showing that I'll be quiet.

(Jungkook & So-yeon)(So-yeon POV)
"Let go of me", I yelled. Whether I yelled or scream, Jungkook would let me down. I got so frustrated that the only idea I had was to bite him on the shoulders, which I did. With just one bite, he immediately drop my legs to the ground and released me. I stood up, brushing my pants to get rid of the wrinkles.

He then yelled, "Why did you BITE ME!".

"I had to", I said as I kept brushing my pants, "Or else you wouldn't let me down".

He quickly walked toward me and without me noticing, he bit me on my shoulders.

"AHH...", I screamed, "WHAT THE HELL?".

"You bit me, so I bit you back", he smiled.

Its been so long since I remember seeing his smile. He left me and yet still have the courage to smile like that in front of me. Of course I didn't smile back, it got me even more anger just thinking about the past, the past that I tried hard to forget. "What are you smiling about?", I scold, "If your going to explain why you left ...well you don't have to. I don't want to hear it".

Jungkook went from a smile to a frown, "So-yeon, just...just try to hear me out".

"I don't want to hear you out", I began to cry, "I'm tried...I'm sick and tired of your excuse and lies. We always go in this circle and I'm tired of it".

Jungkook gently held my shoulders with one hand as the other about to wipe my tears. I slapped his hand away from me, "I can't go on like this. I can't keep repeating this mistake. You never kept your promises and I can not keep  hoping that you'll change", I began to sobbed.

At this point, I stopped myself, "Change? I met improve. I know I can't change you, but I wanted to improve you to a better person...the person I know you can be, but I guess I was wro-".

Jungkook swoop from the side and kissed me. His lips press tight to mine. I tried to push him away with all my strength, but I couldn't. I would try to push him away, but he pulled me even closer. My tears flow down to my cheek and it touched his cheek. I gently wiped away my tear that was on his cheek with my fingers. He grabbed my hand and slowly lean away. Our lips separates and then he spoke, "Why...why do I always run back to you even though I know I'll hurt you".

He took my hand and kissed it, I tried pulling my hand away from him, but he held it tightly with his hand as he gently pressed his lips to my fingers. I couldn't help it, I tried not to show any emotion but as I watched him tear up I began to cry. "Why are you doing this to me?", I whispered, "Why do you always hurt me over and over?".

Authors notes:
- So for this chapter, I wanted to focus on both Mi-na & Yoongi meeting again and So-yeon & Jungkook's situation. I didn't want to leave out So-yeon and Jungkook's love story , leaving everyone cliff hanging so I decided to put the two story into one chapter. I'll try to continue their live story with Yoongi& Mi-na, so don't get too worry if I don't write about then in upcoming chapters. And don't worry, all the other characters are going to come back into the story, don't think I'll leave them behind: Jhope, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jin are going to appear again so do stay tune.

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