Chapter 13

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Yoongi kept eating my ice cream. I just don't understand him any more, whether he like me or not. For sure I like him though, but I just don't have the courage to tell him. I'm afraid of his rejection. I sat there quietly watching him eating my ice cream. He suddenly stopped eat when he notice that I was not talking. "What were you two talking about?", he asked.

I didn't answer him back, why should I tell him, he never answer me back when ever I asked him. I just sat there quietly playing games on my phone. He reach out his hand and too away my phone. "Give it back", I yelled.

"Not until you answer me", he said as he continue eating.

"Nothing much", I respond, "Just this and that. Now give me back my phone".

"Not yet", he said, "Answer this question first".

"What, what what is it? What's your question?", I asked quickly. Why was I so moody, I don't know why I was being so rude toward Yoongi today. Its like I hate seeing him because it hurts me to know that I like a person like him.

"D-do you like him?", he asked.

"Who?", I asked all confused up, "You mean, Taehyung?".

"Y-y-yeah", he mumbled.

"Of course I like him", I smiled.

Yoongi lifted his head up, his eyes opened wide as he put the spoon down. Yoongi looked confused and surprise.

"Who wouldn't like him? He's funny and sweet, not like some people", I said nodding my head back and forth.

"You- you can't tell me that you like that dork", he laughed.

"Taehyung is not a dork", I respond, "Your the dork. No your worrier than a dork, your a dummy".

"Me?!", he said  pointing his finger at himself.

"If your here to just ask me this then I got to go home. Look at the time,  my mother would be worry sick that I'm not home", I said as I grabbed my things and walked out of the ice cream store.

Yoongi followed me out, "Mi-na, Mi-na!", he yelled as he ran after me.

Of-course he'll catch up to me since I didn't run. I was too tired of all this drama that I didn't feel like wasting anymore energy on running away from Yoongi, but at the same time I didn't want to be away from him. He grabbed on to my wrist, turned me over to face him. "What is it now?", I asked.

"You can't like Taehyung", he said cathing his breath.

"What are you talking about?", I mumbled, "Why can't I like Taehyung, he's my friend".

"Huh?", he sigh, "Y-you mean you like him like as a friend...a friend only", he smiled.

"Yeah", I respond, "Why did you think that I had feeling for him", I asked.

Yoongi let go of my wrist, "No", he shook his head, "Why- why would I want to get involve with your love life".

"That's good that you know that", I said, "Because there is someone that I like at school".

"Huh? Who? Who is he? Do I know him?", he asked non-stop.

"Its you", I said to myself. The way he stare at me, urging to know who I liked, I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't. What happen when I tell him, would our friendship end, but then what friendship. I don't even know if we are friends in the first place. From previous information, people say he don't have friends, so I guess we're not friends as well.

He sat there waiting for an answer, but I insist to say anything. Instead, I grabbed my things and left the ice cream shop. Of course he followed me out, chasing after me, he grab me by the arm, "Mi-na, you haven't answer me yet", he mumble.

"I have nothing to say", I respond, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Who's the person you like at school?", he continue to ask, "Is it Namjoon?"

"Namjoon?", I respond. Why would he shout out a random name. Namjoon is like a brother to me, why would he say that.

Yoongi let go of my arm, "So it is him", he said.

"What?", I asked.

"I see", he respond, "So it is him".

"Yoongi, that not-", I replied, but he insist on listening and walked away.

I want to stop him from walking away. I wanted to yelled, "I like you", run toward him and hug him from the back, but I guess its better this way. I rather have him think this way. I guess its better to keep my emotion to myself. He's so stupid, he doesn't even get it that I like him, after giving him a clue.

At home, all I can think about was about  Yoongi. I kept thinking about his present, those times when we're together. It felt right, perfect, but when we depart, I feel empty, lonely and sad. My feelings keeps growing bigger and bigger, but I can't do anything about it. My mother is no help, she's working day and night to keep a roof above us and food on the table.

Se-yeon called, "Hello", I answered. There was no answer, all I can hear was So-yeon crying on the other end. "So-yeon what is it?", I asked, "Say something!".

Then, she answer, "Jungkook..."

That was all she kept repeating. She kept repeating his name over and over, "What about Jungkook?".

"He decide to break up with me", she cried, " He finally made his decision to  break up. He said he was tired of me... tired of me nagging about him being with his "girl"  friends".

"Are you at home? I'll come visit you", I reply.

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