Chapter 16

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I was so excited about living in Seoul again, that I've completely forgot about everyone from high school. As I lived in Japan I grew more and more away from Seoul and ended up letting go of the past. There's time when I miss my friends but as I began to have my own friends in Japan, I forget about them. Now that we're going back to Seoul, the memory of the good and bad times came back for a visit in my dream.

(Mi-na's dream)
In my dream, I saw a tall male figure. There it stood in front of me, my vision was blurry, but as I try concentrating  more and more the figure became clear. It was Yoongi, he was standing before my eyes, smiling brightly, the smile that I'll never forget. He just stood there smiling and then he spoke, but I couldn't hear what he said. It was as if I have went death, I couldn't hear him. I kept repeating, "I can't  hear you", but the more I said it the more I couldn't hear myself. Yoongi just stood there with his bright beautiful smile, a smile that I'll only see once in this life time. I try reaching out my hand to touch him, but it was no use, even if he was standing right in front of me, I couldn't feel him. All I touch was the air, the breeze passing by. At that moment I began to tear up, "Yoongi, I miss you", and with the tear in my eyes I felt it roll down to my cheek. That's when I woke up from the dream.
(End of dream)

Why am I having a dream of Yoongi? I thought to myself. It's been seven years already but why am I still stuck in the same circle. Was this a sign that I shouldn't have come to Seoul, I want to forget the past but its as if it'll always haunt me. Even though I promise myself to accept the truth, to not get hurt  whether he accept or deny my feeling toward him, but the truth is it hurts, its painful, and I'm still not over it. After all these years trying to escape from the pain, its seems to make its way back to me. I still want Yoongi even though its been seven years already. He's my first and will be the last person who I'll  love in this life time, even if I can't be with him.

We got off the plane and loaded the taxi with our luggage. From there, we drove to our new house. My mother already bought the house a head of time, when we got there, it was wasn't a new house rather then its our old house. I stared at it as I got out of the taxi. "Mom, this is...", I mumble.

"I know, its been such a long time, but I couldn't bare to not buy our house back", she smiled in tears, "I never wanted to leave this place but back then we had no choice", she said as she gave me a light pat on the back.

I grabbed my luggage walked toward the small gate, opened it. It made a creek noise, everything remain the same. The grass was still green, the flowers remain beautiful as I remember, on the edge of the door  had my mark I made with a rock before I left to remind myself that I'll one day come back to the house I grew up in. I began to tear up as I looked at the beautiful house that I grew up in. I try to only remember the good memories that I had and push away the bad. I turned to my mom, "Mom if its okay with you, can I go visit my high school?", I asked.

"Sure thing", she smiled.

"What about our things?", I looked around, "Maybe a I'll go later after we unpack".

"No, you go ahead", my mother respond, "I already called people to come to carry these thing. We can unpack later".

I smiled back at my mom before I left. I still l remember the way to school. Everything still remind the same, the ice cream shop, the little market at the street, everything hasn't change. I'm glad to be back, but little did I know that the smallest things here has change.

I got the front of the school, students in uniforms were coming out of the school's front door, scattering around with their friends, pushing each other. It remind me of the good old times with my friends, "I wounder how's everyone been up to?", I said to myself. Just then I saw a similar woman walking out of the school, little teenage boys were following her. In my sight, it kinda looked like So Yeon.

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