Chapter 9

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"Morning", he smiled.

I tried to stay clam but my body was doing the opposite. My hand shaking, my eyes open wide, my body heating up, "Just stay clam", I told myself, "Stay clam".

Out of the blue, I began to hiccup, "Hic, hic". He let out a laugh, "Ha, ha...are you okay?"

Pushing him away, I got up quickly and yelled, "What, what? I should be asking you. Are you better now cause if you are then please go back to your room", I yelled pointing toward the door.

He gave me an evil smile, "I don't need to leave, this is my house".

"Then I'll-I'll get out", I argued back.

I began to walk toward the door, right when I'm about to open the door, Yoongi grabbed my arm, twist me, facing him, and gently pushed me toward the door. Mu back was against the door, our eyes met, he lean closer and closer. I gently pushed his shoulders, "What are you doi-", just then his head lean forward and our lips gently touching. I tried to pushed him away, but he insist and held my hand in is. His eyes were close while I had my eyes open wide. At that moment, Mrs. Min knocked at the door, "Mi-Na, are you up yet", she said.

Yoongi took three step back, I quickly opened the door, "Morning", Mrs. Min smiled.

"Morning", I respond back.

"Is Yoongi up yet?", she asked.

"Uhh...", I mumbled. Just then, Yoongi pop out from behind. "I'm awake Mom", he said. He stood so closed behind were I could feel his chest leaning against my back. I slowly pushed him with my hand that is behind the door, but he grabbed my waist quickly and pulled himself closer were his chest touch my back. I tried to stay clam and steady hoping that Mrs.Min doesn't notice.

Mrs. Min smiled, "Oh good, its a good thing your up. Mi-Na thanks for watching over him all night. Well, both you go get ready for breakfast".

"Yea", we both answered her as she left back downstairs.

I closed the door, and removed his hand from my waist and pushed him away, "Leave right now", I said crossing my arm.

"Okay, okay" he said with his hand up, "I'll go", he said as he made his way to the door.

Just as I thought he already left, I turned around, there he was standing so close to me. He lean forward and kissed me on the cheek, "That's a thank you for last night", he smiled.

As surprising as I am, I touched my cheek and yelled, "Why you-", about to hit him, but then he ran out of the room. I quickly closed the door and lock it. I slowly touch the cheek he kissed, letting out a slight smile, I then said to myself, "Get a hold of yourself Mi-Na".


I walked into the dinning room were breakfast was being served. Instead of having a Korean breakfast we had western food. I didn't mind it since I don't get to eat it often.

I must had come down before Yoongi since he was no where to be seen. I greet both Mr&Mrs. Min and took a seat. We all sat there waiting for Yoongi to come. It took about 3-4 minute until he finally came downstairs and enter the dinning room. He stood there looking at the food, "Uh, I feel so full already", he said with a slight smile.

"How can you be full already when you haven't ate yet and you didn't eat dinner last night either",  said his mother.

"I'm already full from this morning kiss", he said.

When I heard him said "Morning kiss', I quickly grabbed the glass of water next to my plate and drank it as I tried to stay clam.

"What morning kiss", Mrs.Min asked as she looked around.

He let out a laugh and drank his water, "Nothing, lets eat".

Everyone was enjoying their breakfast, but I still enjoyed my mother's food more. Mrs. Min asked, "Is everything okay?".

"Huh, yes...everything here is delicious", I smiled.

"You'll be going home tonight right", she asked.

"Yeah, after we finished our project, I'll be heading home", I respond.

"Why not stay another night?", she asked.

"Its alright, I think my mom might worry sick", I laugh.

Mrs. Min laughed along with me, "Ah...your mom is lucky to have a daughter like you".

I just smiled back at Mrs.Min. After breakfast I excused myself from the table and heading up back to the guess room. I unpack my school work to see what we needed to complete. Yoongi followed me to the room, he secretly closed the door without me noticing. I turned to see him standing there with his eyes starting right at me.

"W-what? Is there something on my face? ", I mumbled.

He nod his head 'no'. "Then what?"', I mumbled again.

He slowly bend down, his nose touching mine, and then our eyes met. He slowly smiled, "I already finished he project last three days ago".

What did he mean he already finished it? If he did, why would he asked me to come here then. As angered as I am I yelled, "Then why am I here?". I moved away from him, then he reached out his hand grasp my head and lean our head closely together again. 

"W-what?", I said.

"Mi-Na I want to tell you...I-I...", he mumbled, but then his mother was knocking at the door.

"Yoongi, Mi-Na, may I come in?", she asked.

I gently pushed Yoongi away and went to open the door for Mrs.Min, "I'm coming", I said.

Yoongi walked to the bed and sat on it waiting patiently. I opened thee door wide, "Come in", I said.

Mrs. Min was carrying some cut fruit on a plate with two forks as she walked in. "Here I brought some snack", she smiled as she place the plate on the table stand next to Yoongi. I looked at Yoongi, he seemed mad. He wasn't smiling nor giving out a smirk.

"Ah, thank you", I said to Mrs.Min as she turned to me, "You didn't need to bring us snack".

"Yeah, Mom you didn't need to bring us snack", Yoongi said in a angry tone.

"It was nothing, your our guest. Enjoy", she said with a smile, "And I won't be bothering you two no more", she said to Yoongi when she turned to him.

Mrs. Min left the room, but I left the door creak open just enough before it close. Yoongi opened the door, left to his room and came back with a laptop in his arm. He sat on the floor next to me, surprisingly I slowly moved an inch away from him as his shoulder touched my shoulder. Yoongi looked at me and moved closer, "Here this is what I came up with after we discussed about our project last time", he said as he showed me the slideshow, "You can add more to it if you need to but I already finished this", he said with a slight smile.

"Why didn't you at least tell me that you finished it already. I wanted to help too. This is also my project", I said.

"Because I wanted to do it for you.", he smiled.

Author's Note:
-My gosh, its been forever since I've updated. I know...I know that you all been waiting impatiently so here you go...chapter 9 is finished.  I don't know when I'll be posting chapter 10 but keep your eyes open. I've just got back from my family trip. During winter break I went on a long...very long family trip and celebrate Christmas and New years at my relative's house. I've been away for so long this winter break and that's why I didn't get to update any of my fanfic. So sorry for the delay in everything. But enough about me, what did you do during your break and if you didn't have a break what have you been up to? I would really like to know, comment down below your answers or any other thoughts. Please stay tune for more.

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