Chapter 12

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Closing my eyes as we deeply kissed, I then slowly reach out my hand about to grab on to his arms, but then he slowly lifted his head and our lips depart. I tried to keep my distance from him, I kept my eyes down to the floor, I didn't have the courage to look at him eye to eye, I didn't have the courage to tell him my feelings; still I kept my feeling to myself again. I can feel Yoongi looking down toward me, waiting, waiting for me to speak, but I couldn't, my heart wants to confess, but my mouth is close shut.

He then slowly touched my forehead with his warm, gentle hand, "You're not feeling well, right?", he asked.

My mouth wouldn't say anything so I end up nodding my head instead. He lean his face closely to mine, he stared at me while tilting his head to the right and then to the left. I quickly glance at him and then glance away. He let out a smile, "Don't worry, I already took away your fever".

It hit me in the head, I have a fever and we just kissed, that means he's going to get sick next. I glance at Yoongi, "You'll get sick. Why...why did you ki...". I couldn't finished the sentence with the word "kiss".

"Why did I what?", he laughed, "Kiss?"

I just stared at him pounding my lips. "This is how you get rid of someone else fever. You have to pass them the fever with a kiss", he said while smiling, "I want to be the one. I don't want you to pass it to someone else".

What did he mean by saying "I want to be the one", I tried not to get ahead of myself. I don't want to put my hopes to high and end up getting hurt at the end.

The bell rang and class was about to start, Yoongi grabbed my hand and we both ran as fast as we can to class. Running past other student, they began to stared at us. I tried cover my face, but it was no use. When we got to the front of  door, he was still holding my hand tightly, I tried to remove my hand away, but he grabbed it even tighter. At the sight of my eye, I saw Mr.Lee walking toward the us. He didn't notice us standing there, since he was looking at some paper work while walking. I tapped Yoongi in the shoulder, he turned to me and I pointed to Mr.Lee. Yoongi then released my hand; opened the door and walked to our seats as if nothing happen.

So-yeon leaned toward me, "Where did he took you?"

"No where", I lied, "We just discussed about our project and our grade".

"Really?", So-yeon said looking all suspiciously, "Yeah, about the project, what grade did you get?", she asked.

"We got an 'A'", I respond, "What about you?"

"I got an 'B-', but Jungkook got an 'A', she sigh.

"How did you get a different grade from him?", I asked.

"Well, it just happen", she sigh, "At least I got a 'B' or else my mom would had lecture me about my grades again.

Mr. Lee walked in and class began. It was a long and boring lecture as always. He began to talked about the subject but end up going off topic and began to talked about his life. Somehow he got began to change the subject to math when we're suppose to be learning biology. I just sat there staring at my open book, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, of course it was Jungkook, since he sat behind me. He just passed me a note and pointed at So-yeon. She didn't notice since she was so concentrated  looking at her phone. I tooked the note and passed it to her, she stared at it and then at me. I pointed at Jungkook, so she knows that it was not from me. Taehyung and I stared at them, looking all confused. Jungkook gave out a smile and said "open the note".

She took the folded note, crumbled it with her hand and threw it back to Jungkook. The note flew, hit him on the face and landed on his desk. So-yeon turned away and then raised her hand. Mr. Lee stopped talking, "What it is So-yeon?"

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