Chapter 15

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(Mi-Na POV)

Its been seven years already since my mother and I left Korea. At times I have forgotten about them (refer to her friends and Yoongi), and then at times I miss them. I been doing better than before. I got into a great college and got my degree in business and now I'm looking for a full time position job.

Sitting at the edge of my chair searching for jobs, Jin called out my name from the distance, "Mi-na, here's your drink", he smiled as he handed it to me.

I grabbed it, "Thanks", with a smile.

"No need to, my lovely girlfriend", he lean forward for a kiss.

I lean away, "Not here", I mumble, "Its embarrassing".

(Introduction of Jin)
Kim SeokJin is my boyfriend, but he goes by Jin. Jin is also from Korea, but he moved to Japan at a very young age and ever since then he never moved back. We haven't been dating that long, it's barely a month. I met him in a math class, at first we started as good friends and as time went by he asked me out. At first I decline him, but somehow I grew to accepting him. I see him as a friend but hopeful as time goes by, my feeling will change.
(End of introducing Jin)

Jin and I headed back to my house. My mother was out of the house doing yard work. I ran toward her, "Mom I'm back", I smiled.

"Hello Ms. Park", Jin said.

"Your both back", my mom smiled as she got up from squatting down, "Mi-na I have good news for you".

Jin left after dropping me off at my house. My mother sat me down at the diner table. She must have very exciting news since she's smiling as she got me a glass of orange juice with my favorite cookies on a plate. She sat it down gently on the table, "Mi-na, I have something to tell you".

"What is it?", I asked as I stuff my face with cookies.

"Slow down", my mom laughed, "I got a job in Korea. Lets move back".

As I soon as I heard the word "Korea", I stopped eating, "WHAT, THAT'S AWESOME", I scream.

"Are you willing to go back to Korea with me?", my mother plead.

"Of course I will. Mom its been years since we left. I don't even remember how it looks like", I smiled, "Let me go pack right now".

"Mi-na, we're not going yet. We have time. I don't start working until next month", my mother laughed at me, "Mi-na what about Jin?".

I was so excited about going to Korea, that for a second there I forgot about Jin. What would he say? Is he going to be okay with me leaving back to Korea? Will I be able to do long distance relationship? "Mom, don't worry, I'll talk to him", I smiled, but the truth is I'm actually really worry.  We're just started dating and I'm leaving, am I being to greedy?

That night, I couldn't make up my mind whether I should call or text Jin. I would text to him, but delete before sending it and then I'll click on his number but insist to call. What should I do? I need to tell him, but how should I do it, through texting, calling or face to face. As I struggle to what I should do, my phone rang. It took me by surprise, I quickly took a look, it was Jin.

"Why is he calling at thing moment?", I mumble to myself, "Breath, breath".

I accept the call, "Hello", I answered.

"Mi-na, your still up?", he said.

"Yeah", I answered.

"Your mom told me everything already", he said.

"What?", I yelled, "So you know about us going back to Korea?".

"Yeah", he laughed, "Don't worry about me, you can go. Your mom already told me that you might hesitate about going back because of me since we just started dating, but don't worry. Who knows, I might follow you there".

"Really", I sigh, "Thanks for understanding me Jin".

"There's nothing I won't do for you Mi-na", he said, "So stop worrying and go back to Korea with your mom".

We ended our call talking about me going back to Korea. Before I knew it, I fell asleep listening to Jin's voice.

(Weeks later)
Well we got our thing ready, and its the day we're flying to Korea. I took one last look around our small house in Japan. Lots of thing happen here, I spend seven years of my life in Japan and now I'm going back to Korea. Part of me don't want to leave this beautiful place, but then its time to leave it all behind. I'll always remember all the good memories I have here and I'll definitely visit Japan in the future.

Jin drove us to the airport. I gave my last farewell hug to him and he watched us until we disappear from the distance. I could see that he was sad but happy for us. Before I left, Jin and I conclude our relationship as friends. We decided to stay as friends since it'll be hard for us to stay in connected due to his work.

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