Chapter 19

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(Mi-Na POV)

Yoongi carried me to his car, put me down gently on the passenger seat. He close the door and got to in the car, he then drove away from the neighborhood. The drive was silent, I didn't have to courage to say anything, not a word coming out from me. Same goes to Yoongi, he just kept driving away farther and farther off. When I notice that we were going no where, I said, "Yoongi...where are we-".

Before I could finish Yoongi interrupted, "You'll know when we get there".

"Oh, okay", I mumbled back and kept quiet again.

The drive was long, as we reach the detestation, I looked around. We were on top of the mountain top where there's a view of Seoul. I got out of the car and looked around, Yoongi got out of the car after me, he walked toward me and sat at the bench. "Why are we here?", I asked as I turned to look at him.

He stared as me deeply, " I didn't want to come here alone again".

Again? What does he mean by that, he must had come here before, but why would he take me here. I couldn't asked him why he took me here, I just stood there and stare at the beautiful sight seeing of Seoul. Without me noticing, Yoongi grabbed my hand and pulled me toward him. He took me by surprise as I tripped over and sat next to him, but my back was facing him. He held my hand tightly and leaned his head and place it on my back. I tried to move, but he insist, "Let me borrow your back for 15 minute, only 15 minutes".

I sat there with his head leaned on my back, the sun began to set and the time pasted 15 minute to almost an hour. I didn't mind to wake him up since he seems so tired. As the hour went by and the sun began the set  down, where the moon started to appear, I slowly tapped Yoongi's leg, "Yoongi, Yoongi, get up", I said.

He woke from my tapping, he twitch his head and then remove his head from my back, "Oh, what time is it?", he asked.

"Its about to be 7 pm", I respond, "Its passed your 15 minute".

He brushed his hair, "You should had woke me up. Lets go", he said as he got up and walked toward the car.

His respond got me angry. He should had thank me for lending my back for him to napped on, plus I didn't even complain, yet he didn't even thank me, this is so Yoongi. I shouldn't expect a lot from him, he's still the same as always.

He dropped me off at my house. I open the car door and right before I got out, Yoongi grabbed my hand, held it tightly. He let out a sign, "Th-thank you for coming with me".

"Huh", I answered back, "Oh..umm...". Why couldn't I say "your welcome" or "it was fun" something, anything, yet I sat there like a dummy.

Yoongi let go of my hand, "Your mom is waiting for you", he said as he looked out the the car window, smiling at my mom. She stood at the front porch, smiling patiently.

"Oh..okay", I mumbled and got out of his car. He drove off and I utter to myself, "Drive safe". My mom walked toward me and opened the gate, "Mi-na, come inside".

"Okay mom", I answered.

After dinner, my mom left to buy grocery since we didn't have much in the refrigerator. I sat in the living room watching t.v.  A drama was tuning on on of the channel, so I decided to watch it for the time being. Just then I notice a familiar face, the main guy seemed so familiar, yet I couldn't tell who it was. His voice was low yet not harsh almost sweet, his face was very beautiful almost like a anime character. I kept staring at his face trying to figure out who he was. Then it came to me, "That's Taehyung", I yelled, 'Omo...he's an actor...WHAT".

He had changed so much through the years that I couldn't even recognized him.  He has grown to a very handsome man, took me about 20 to 30 minute to recognized him. Everything has changed and it changed a lot, but why do I still feel like I haven''t change. Everyone around me changed for the better, yet I feel like I'm still stuck in the same high school Mi-na. I still have feelings for Yoongi. The moment I saw him, my heart still skips a beat and my body begins to shake, yet he's changed so much. I tried my hardest to leave everything behind, but I don't think I can. The thought of my past with Yoongi, did it mean nothing to him. He probably never love me the way I loved him. Its hurts more because I'm torturing myself with my feeling toward Yoongi.

I decided to distract myself by calling So-yeon. At first, she didn't pick up the phone. I called the second time and she answered, "Hello".

"So-yeon, its me Mi-na", I reply, "What are you up to?".

"Just got home", she signed, " And you?".

"I'm laying around", I said, "What happen between you and Jungk-. Oh, sorry I should not mention his name".

"Don't be", she said. I could hear her voice cracked as she spoke, "I don't know what to do anymore".

"So-yeon, I'm so sorry", I replied.

"He always does this to me", she cried, "I'm tired of this cycle that we are in. I just want to find a decent man, who loves me, cherish me, and won't hurt me. I told myself that I won't get back with him every time we break up, but its hopeless, I find myself giving him another chance and I get hurt at the end every time", she vent out crying.

"So-yeon, listen to me", I said, "This time around, don't let him enter your life. If you don't want to get hurt again, you got to show him who's the real boss. Stop being his leftover".

"Mi-na, I-I want to do that, but I can't be as strong as you", she mumble, "When it comes to Jungkook, I'm willing to give in because I love him to much, yet he doesn't love me the way I love him".

I ended the talk with So-yeon after hearing "I love him so much, yet he doesn't love me the way I love him". So-yeon, your not the only one who is hurt. I am to, when it comes to Yoongi, I'm willing to give in. Why do we want what can't be ours?

As women when we love someone, we truly love them dearly, but I guess its different for mens.

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