1. Mess

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"No Sean don't drink that!" John ran over towards the five year old and carried him in his arms tightly.

Julian spilled soda all over the floor and Sean had thought of the brilliant idea to wipe up the mess with his tongue. While the ten year old was laughing up a storm in the living room, John was busy trying to make sure that his other son doesn't catch yet another sickness from another idiotic reason.

He couldn't keep up with them. Julian always started something, Sean was too energetic to keep track of, and John was the only parental figure in the household.

"Daddy!" Sean screeched and clawed at his father's side. "Let me down!"

"Sean stop that!" John sighed and kicked his oldest son lightly. "Clean up the mess please."

Julian stopped his laughing and nodded at John. It was almost like looking in a mirror. They had the same stringy, light brown hair, same eyes shape, same lips. The only real difference was their noses and skin tone. Julian had a bit of his mother's nose but it was actually more like his anyways.

John fought back the urge to cry. It was common. The older his son got the more he could see his mother in his face. God it was painful to see.

"Sean's falling you old git," Julian joked and John almost fainted when he saw his son dangling from his arms. "If he falls it's your fault!"

"Shut it Julian!" John laughed back and carried the smaller boy to the couch.

"You need to stop that buddy," he said softly and pushed back his son's darker, thicker hair. "I don't want you to get hurt."

"Sorry Daddy," Sean pouted. "I didn't mean it, honest!"

"Oh you're so cute," John chuckled. His son smiled at the praise. "Stay here for a bit. I need to talk to Jules for a bit."

"Okay Daddy!" His son cheered and watched until his father disappeared into the kitchen.

John was careful when approaching Julian. He rested a hand on his back. Julian looked at his father and his eyes softened.

"Huh," he mumbled and pushed the mop into the corner of the room. "Is Sean okay?"

"He's fine," John sighed and followed his son to the sink. "I just want to know if you're okay."

"I'm fine Dad, honest," Julian kissed his father's cheek and smiled softly at him. The smile John missed terribly. "You're worrying too much."

"I don't worry enough," John snorted and his son pulled him in for a hug.

"You'll be fine Daddy," Julian seldom used the word. But when he did it bring a smile onto John's face. "I promise."

"If you say so," John grinned and kissed his son's head gently. "Thanks for cleaning up the mess by the way."

"Always, Dad." Julian smiled and walked out of the kitchen to meet with his little brother.

John smiled to himself and bowed his head down, thinking to himself how lucky and cursed he was to have such children like them.

Kiddos ★ lennstarrWhere stories live. Discover now