5. Huh?

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"Alright you guys know the rules: don't be mean, don't give Paul a hard time, and don't lie to him about curfews or what movies you can watch. If I come home and you're still up by 1 am we'll have problems. Also new rule: Paul's bringing a friend over, don't give him a hard time either. I don't want people thinking that my children are the spawns of Satan. Now behave yourselves and have fun. Love you boys." John instructed and kissed both their heads before buttoning up his white shirt the best he could.

Paul should be over in a few minutes. John had the kids on the couch watching tv to occupy themselves. Julian was doing his homework and scooting away from Sean who tried to write on his science homework. John smiled and grabbed his jacket just as the doorbell rang.

Behind the door was Paul and, just as he said, a friend. John couldn't stop staring at him. Not that there was anything wrong with him, no. He was actually enjoyable to look at. Incredibly attractive in John's eyes.

"Paul," John nodded and the man smiled. "Who's the lad?"

"This is Richard," Paul smirked. "But everyone just calls him Ringo."

"Is that so," John smiles. "Well, welcome to the house Ringo. I hope the kids don't annoy you so much."

"Oh it's fine," Ringo cheered. John didn't expect such a small man to have such a deep voice. "I've handled worse. Trust me."

"Well the kids are in the living room. Julian's doing homework and Sean's watching tv. The curfew is 7 pm for Sean and 8:30 pm for Julian. Bye Paul, nice meeting you Ringo." With that John was out the door.

"He seems nice." Ringo smiled and Paul nodded.

"He's a mess. The kids are over there." Paul cleared his throat and the two boys looked at him.

"Uncle Paulie!" Sean giggled and got off the couch to run as best he could into Paul's arms.

"Hey little buddy!" Paul cooed and kissed his head gently. "How's it going?"

"Good!" He giggled and snuggled closer to Paul. He looked up and met the eyes of the other man standing next to Paul awkwardly. "Who's that?"

"This is my friend," Paul said and waved at Ringo to come closer.

"What's his name?" Sean asked and continued to look at him with curiosity.

"We like to call him Ringo." Paul said and watched as Sean giggled.

"That's a silly name," He said and reached for him. "Hi Ringo!"

"Hey kiddo," Ringo cheered when the boy looked up at him with a scrunched up nose and furrowed brows.

"What's a kiddo?" Sean asked and Ringo blushed.

"You've never been called that?" He asked and brushed Sean's hair from his eyes.

"Nope." Sean shook his head wildly, his hair hitting Ringo's face at times.

"Well now you have." Ringo smiled and adjusted the boy on his hip. "Where's your brother?"

"In there!" Sean pointed to the living room where Paul sat with Julian.

"I see Sean's found a way into your heart, huh Starkey?" Paul smirked and Ringo rolled his eyes.

"Shut the fu- shut up." Ringo blushed when Paul laughed.

"Who is he?" Julian had the tip of his pencil between his lips.

"The friend I said I'd bring over. He's Ringo." Paul said and looked over Julian homework.

"Ringo?" Julian had a look of confusion. "Did your parents actually name you that?"

"Jesus Christ no," Ringo blushed. "It's actually Richard but Ringo is my nickname. What's your name kiddo?"

"Kiddo? Is that a real word?" Julian looked up at Paul.

"Yeah actually, I thought you two would've heard that word. Most parents call their kids that anyways." Ringo shrugged.

"Not Dad I guess. How old are you?" Julian asked.

"25. You two?" Ringo responded.

"10." Julian said.

"This many!" Sean lifted up his hand.

"Aw you're five!" Ringo laughed and pulled the kiddo on his lap. "That's adorable."

"Hey what about me?" Julian pretended to pout.

"You're adorable too. Get over here." Ringo smiled and found space on this lap for Julian.

The three boys erupted in giggles, forgetting that Paul was with them. It didn't matter though. Paul had taken the opportunity and took a picture of them before they pulled away.

Maybe babysitting the Lennon's would be funnier than usual for him.

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