12. It's (Not) A Date

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Paul had come over with a smirk on his face and twinkling eyes.

"Oh I knew you liked him! It was meant to be!" His cackles filled the room.

"Oh please," John groaned and took hold of his jacket. "It's not a date. It's just me getting to know my kids' babysitter that they adore oh so much."

"Yeah right," Paul scoffed. "You're just trying to get into his pants."

"Really? Shall I list every single man and woman who's pants you've tried to get into?" John glared at him and Paul kept quiet.

"Point taken. Where's lover boy?" Paul asked and followed John to the hallway before knocking on the door to Julian's room.

"Ringo?" Julian's head popped out with excitement shimmering in his eyes until he caught a glimpse of Paul. "Oh it's you."

"What type of hello is that? Come on say hello to your beloved Uncle Paul!" Paul gasped and dragged Julian out of the room. Paul had to put Julian's around his own waist because he wouldn't do it.

"Is Ringo there?" A small voice shouted from the room and soon emerged Sean who was searching frantically for the man.

"It's me darling!" Paul tried to be encouraging but you could tell that he was losing hope fast.

John sighed and zipped up his jacket. "I'll leave you guys to it then, I think Ri-"

There was a sound of a knock and soon the boys were racing to try and open the door first. Julian practically ripped the door off its hinges when he saw who was standing behind it.

There was another thud and this time laughter. Cheers and conversations that couldn't be understood. Julian had come running into back to his Daddy and Uncle, his eyes with the same shimmer that only happens when he was around Ringo.

"Daddy he's here! Your date is here!" Julian squealed when Ringo finally came into view.

He had Sean snuggled in his arms, his arms wrapped tightly around his neck while the man held onto him gently, making sure he wouldn't fall in his grasp. Sean was happy once again.

"Hey," Ringo blushed. "I guess the kiddos are glad to see me."

"Glad? We love when you come over!" Julian wrapped his arms around his waist and hugged him the best he could, with Sean still in his arms.

"Boys go with Paul, tonight I get Ringo all for myself." John said and Ringo laughed.

"Why can't we have him?" Sean pouted and held on tighter when John wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Because sharing is caring that's why." John murmured and managed to get the boy off of Ringo.

"I'll see you later boys. Love you." John kissed their heads and tried pushing Ringo to the door.

"Bye boys, nice seeing you again." He called out before John pushed him outside.

"Sorry," John blushed and locked the door. "If we stayed any longer they would never let you leave."

"So where are we going?" Ringo shoved his hands into his pockets, his body seemed to be shaking as they walked through the street.

"Nowhere in particular," John shrugged. "I just want to be able to know you."

"Alright then," Ringo smiled. "Ask away."

"Okay, where are you from?" John asked and looked both ways on 72nd before crossing over to 71st.

"Liverpool." Ringo said easily.

"No fucking way," John gasped. "I'm from there too!"

"Really?" Ringo chuckled. "The accent doesn't show it."

"Neither yours," John blushed. "When did you move here?"

"About two, three years ago?" Ringo thought to himself, shrugging when he couldn't decide on the date. "You?"

"About seven," John answered and Ringo's eyes went wide. "What's the matter?"

"Seven years?" Ringo gasped. "I never would've thought."

"How come?" John asked and made sure that the light was for them.

"Julian, he's ten correct?" Ringo asked and chose to jaywalk instead of waiting for the light, a white Chevrolet zooming past him.

"Jesus Christ," John went over to him and ran a hand through his hair. "You okay?"

"I do it all the time," Ringo shrugged. "Anyways, Jules is ten right?"

"Yep. He stayed with me aunt for a few years before he came here which is why he has the accent like me. Sean is completely American, born right here in New York City." John felt a surge of pride overcome him.

He loved talking about them.

"Interesting," Ringo nodded to himself. "Do you have anyone?"

"What do you mean?" John had a blank stare. He walked further down the block before stopping to check up on him.

"Y'know like a girlfriend or a boyfriend or something." Ringo shrugged and blushed.

"No actually," John giggled shyly. "What about you? You have anyone?"

"Nope," Ringo smiled. "No one."

John shouldn't have been glad about that. He shouldn't have been so happy that the damn babysitter is single. But he was. Oh god he really was.

"Good to know." John nodded and Ringo giggled.

"First Jules tries to hook us up and now you too? God the Lennon's are going to be the end of me." Ringo rolls his eyes and grips John's shoulders before pressing a kiss onto his cheek. "I suppose we could give it a try one day though."

"Yeah," John was red. He raised a hand to the spot where Ringo had kissed him. "I'd seriously love that."

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