18. Black Eyes and Cuddles

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Julian probably had the biggest heart eyes imaginable.

He had his pencil in his hand and he was tapping it nervously as he stared at that cute cute boy he had told Ringo about.

He had pretty blue eyes, not as nice as Ringo's but oh well. His hair was a nice auburn color and his name was Zak. He was an equally quiet kid who always did the right thing. Julian really really liked him.

Recess had come and Julian finally thought it was now or never.

He ran over to Zak who smiled and handed him a red ball. Were they playing dodgeball? Is that it?

Julian wasn't really paying attention, he was too busy staring at Zak. He tapped his shoulder and made a motion for him to follow him.

When they were at the corner of the school yard Julian took a deep breath. It was now or never.

"Hey Zak," he blushed. "Do you have a crush on someone?"

"Kinda," he shrugged. "I'm not sure."

"If you tell me I'll tell you mine," Julian held out his pinkie. "Promise."

"Okay." Zak linked his pinkie around Julian's.

"So," Julian smiled hopefully. "Who is it?"

"Stella. She's pretty cute." Zak blushed. Julian's heart broke.

"Oh," he sighed in defeat. He tried his best not to cry. "I like you."

"What?" Zak yelled out.

"You," Julian said and before Zak could do anything, he grabbed him by the shoulders and pressed his lips on his the same way that he'd seen Daddy and Ringo do it. "I like you."

The action was quick. There was a loud thud and soon enough Julian was on the floor with a horrendous pain in his right eye. Zak was screaming, running over to a teacher and pulling on her pants until there was a crowd of students around poor Julian who just wanted to be left alone.

Julian was in the principal's office, waiting for his Daddy to pick him up.

All throughout the day he was made fun of, no one wanted to sit next to him in lunch, it eventually became too much and he had to get sent upstairs before he broke down again.

He hated today. Why didn't Zak like him? He thought it was okay to kiss another boy. Clearly not, he'd made a big mistake.

There was a knock at the door and the worker from the office came through the door.

"Julian's father can't be here but he sent someone to get him. Julian come on, you're going home."

He sniffled and hopped off the chair, ready to run to whoever Daddy sent. He spotted blue eyes and started to bawl.

"Ringo!" He yelled and ran into his arms, he hid his head in Ringo's chest and began to cry. "Take me home! Please!"

"Sure thing," he had no idea what had happened. "Let's get you home."

Julian was sniffling, he had an ice pack on his eye and he had his head buried against Ringo's sweater. The ice brought a chill through his spine but he ignored it and brought Julian in for a tighter hug.

"I thought he'd like me," Julian sobbed. "He made fun of me!"

"Oh Jules," Ringo had tears in his eyes. "Not everyone is like that darling. Not every boy will like another boy like that. Let's just wait for your father to come home okay? Wanna go out for ice cream though? Would you like that?"

"Ice cream?" Julian had wide eyes.

"I think it'd be best. Let's go darling, grab your sweater." Ringo waited at the door for him with a wet spot in the middle of his jacket but happiness over the fact that Julian would be okay so long as he kept him content.

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