23. Lennon-Starkey

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(Wasn't gonna update until tomorrow but hey, it's Valentine's Day so enjoy !!!)

John was pacing around the room.

His boyfriend was still asleep, not seeming to realize that John had gotten out of bed just yet. He slept peacefully, curled up tightly with a pillow in his grasp now that John wasn't there to hold him. His hair was falling into his eyes and John couldn't help but going over and pushing it away from his eyes.

The man shifted and soon enough his eyes were staring at John with curiosity then with realization of who it was. Soon enough the blanket was away from his face and Ringo had gotten up on top of the bed, jumping into John's arms and giggling when John managed to hold him up even while still in a sleepy state.

John laughed and held onto the man's legs so that he doesn't fall from his waist. He remembered the second time that Ringo had come over to take care of the kids, he had to end up sleeping over that night in the spare room. John remembered how light he was, the feeling of his warm lips on his neck.

John remembered all of it. How long ago it was.

Two years, four months, twelve days. Not that John was counting.

Julian was now 12, Sean 7. Time flies when you're in love.

"Good morning baby," John smiled and kissed his forehead. "How'd you sleep?"

"Better with you by my side." Ringo giggled and nuzzled his head to John's chest.

"How cheesy," John rolled his eyes and sat them both down on the bed, Ringo's legs still wrapped around his waist. "Can Paul babysit the kids by any chance?"

"Why?" Ringo looked up at him with those eyes and god John's heart melted the minute he saw them.

"I wanna spend some time with my lovely boyfriend." John looked at him innocently and Ringo squinted his eyes at him.

"Are you sure? Because normally when you want Paul to take the kiddos out of the house you usually take the time to f-" John placed a hand over Ringo's mouth, not letting him finish the sentence.

"Okay okay point taken," John blushed. "But can they just go with Paul for today? Please?"

"Oh fine." Ringo laughed and pressed his lips against John's gently.

"So you've finally come back for me huh?" Paul smirked when the kids gave him quick hugs.

"Fuck off McCartney," John rolled his eyes. "It's just for today anyways."

"Yeah," Paul winked. "You have the ring right?"

"Keep your voice down," John hissed. "It's a secret!"

"Yeah yeah," Paul smirked. "Get your stuff guys we need to leave the two lovebirds alone."

Julian and Sean giggle, giving the two men quick hugs and kisses before leaving the home with Paul in charge of them.

John was shaking. Today was the day.

"Hey Johnny," Ringo called out from the kitchen. "What do you wanna do now that the kiddos are gone?"

"Movie maybe?" John grinned and felt through his pajama pants for the box. Still there.

"Popcorn?" Ringo called out.

"Sure. I'll make tea." John offered and made his way to the kitchen where his lovely boyfriend was humming to himself as he cleaned up the messy kitchen.

So cute. And all for himself.

"What's wrong?" Ringo's soft voice managed to make John snap out of his thoughts.

"Oh nothing," John smiled and kissed the man gently. "You can go to the room. I'll meet you there."

"Alright babe." Ringo got on his tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

John  couldn't help but remember when he'd made the lame excuse to get to know him. It was their first "date." John remembered how Ringo had gotten on his tiptoes to kiss his cheek gently. Small things like this always made John realize why he was about to do this.

Movie time.

They were cuddled up on the bed with Ringo laying his head on John's chest, near his heart. The bowl of popcorn was between them and the tea was on either side of the bedside table. 

John liked feeling the man's chest rise and fall, feel his hand move between them for the popcorn, fingers tapping beneath John's chin when he wanted a kiss.

Now or never, John had to do it.

"Babe," John took his hand in his and rubbed circles on his palm. "Can we talk?"

"About what?" Ringo's eyes went wide and he curled up into John's side tightly.

"No, baby," John's voice was soft. "Look at me."

Ringo stayed silent but did what he was told. It didn't help John much. His heart was beating so fast and he couldn't even think straight. But he swallowed thickly and kept Ringo close to his chest.

"Erm, sweetheart," John was nervous. "I-I, god I feel like such an idiot. Reminds me of the time I told you that I loved you, remember? Uh, anyways, you're great. I remember the first time I met you: big blue eyes, pretty plump lips, soft brown hair, adorably short. Perfect. I remember how the kids loved you more than Paul, how Julian had asked you if you were gay and how calm you were about it. I remember the second time you came over to babysit, how you fell asleep on the couch and I carried you into the spare bedroom, tucking you in that night. I remember our first date, how you kissed my cheek and said how you'd like to get to know me more. I remember our first kiss, we were watching Star Trek and Sean had fallen asleep on your lap. I remember the first time you slept in the same bed as me, it was immediately after the first kiss.

I remember a lot of our firsts. It's funny actually. Considering the fact that I've had a lot of firsts with a lot of people before. And it's funny because what I'm about to do I've never done before, but for the first time I can say that it is my first and hopefully last time doing this. Doll, you've been the light of my life for these past two years. Time flew now that I was in love. And I'm amazed at how much support I've gotten from others. But what I'm really trying to say is, well,"

John got out of bed and helped Ringo off too. John dug into his pockets, smiling to himself when he saw the velvet box and got down on his right knee. Ringo's eyes widened and he was holding back tears. John bit his lip and smiled.

"Richard Parkin Starkey," John took his left hand in his. "Would you do me the honor of being mine and marrying me?"

No noise. Just nod after nod after nod and finally a sob. "Yes! Yes! Yes! A million times yes!"

Tears passed between the two and John smiled when the ring slid into his boyfriend-no fiancé- his fiancé was now wearing an engagement ring. Their engagement ring.

They were getting married.

John got up and was met with lips on his and soon they had fallen back on the bed, legs around his waist and hands on his cheeks.

"I fucking love you John Winston Lennon." Ringo smiled and kissed him again.

"Actually it's John Winston Lennon-Starkey, isn't that right Richard Parkin Lennon-Starkey?" John grinned and kissed him back, so so glad that he finally said what needed to be said.

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