9. Sweet Surprise

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John had underestimated when he'd come back.

It was almost 5 am when he came back. The kids were asleep, thank god. It wasn't like they were surprised. They only saw him in the mornings and mid day anyways. He was almost never there to tuck them in at night.

John left his bag at the door and just as he was about to throw his jacket on the couch he saw something living curled up on the couch. It was Ringo. And he was fast asleep.

John smiled to himself. The man was curled up tight and he was hugging himself. He was covered in legos and glitter that Sean must've thrown on top of him. It was stuck in his hair and the light shade of pink was a faint shimmer in the dim lights.

John was careful not to make a sound as he moved in front of the man and picked him up bridal style into the guest room on the far end of the hall. Ringo's head was on John's shoulder and his warm lips were pressed softly against his neck. John's breath was caught in his throat. He didn't dare make a sound as he opened the door and made the bed while the man was in his arms.

He was surprisingly light, it almost felt like he was carrying Sean instead of another 25 year old. The bed was made and John was careful to lay the man down on the bed. He tucked him in and shut off the lights. Before closing the door he took a chance to take in the view. He looked adorable when he was asleep.

"Daddy, Daddy!" The sounds of Sean running down the hall and into John's room was delightful.

The little boy kicked up onto John's bed, gripping the sheets as best as his tiny hands could. He snuggled under the sheets and found his way to John's side, giggling when his father wrapped an arm around him and kissed his head gently. He sat up and gave his father a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

"Morning Daddy," Sean smiled. "You're back!"

"Morning Tiger," John smiled sleepily. "You slept good?"

"Mhm!" Sean was bouncing on the bed, eyes sparkling. "Ringo helped Julian with his homework, then he made food for us and it was better than Uncle Paulie's but don't tell him that, and then we watched tv together and then he played legos with me and then he gave us popcorn and candy because we were being good and then we got tired so we went to bed but he tucked us in and he read me a bedtime story and he sung to Julian!"

John said. "Sounds like he did a good job at babysitting. Do you like him?"

"He's the best, Daddy! Let's keep him forever!" Sean smiled and John couldn't help but do the same.

"I want you to do something for me," John smirked. "But you have to stay absolutely silent if you want to do this okay?"

"What's wrong Daddy?" Sean asked.

John got out of bed with Sean on his hip, his head pressed against his neck. He grabbed his glasses from the counter and wiped the lenses on his shirt. John walked him to the guest room and made a signal for Sean to stay quiet. The boy nodded and kept his head against his father's neck.

John opened the door and peeked in first. Ringo was still asleep and he looked like an angel. John tapped Sean's shoulder and pointed at the room. He peeked in and let out a small gasp when he saw who was there.

"Go wake him up." John whispered in the boy's ear and watched as he tried to squirm out of his hands and into the spare room. 

Sean had ran into the room, climbing into the bed and jumping until Ringo opened his eyes to see the little boy yelling at him to get up. He picked up Sean gently and gave him a small kiss on the head, ruffling his hair and letting him bounce on the bed with his hands interlocked with the child's. Sean had the biggest smile that John had ever seen. He looked so much happier than usual.

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